wok-6.x rev 17928

Up to latest: tazinst-gui, tazinst, tazpanel
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sat Apr 11 17:40:38 2015 +0200 (2015-04-11)
parents 47e39240dfce
children 08aeb1a2f744
files syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso tazinst-gui/receipt tazinst/receipt tazpanel/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso	Sat Apr 11 17:49:13 2015 +0300
     1.2 +++ b/syslinux/stuff/iso2exe/taziso	Sat Apr 11 17:40:38 2015 +0200
     1.3 @@ -258,6 +258,9 @@
     1.4  {
     1.5  	if [ -b "$1" ]; then
     1.6  		device=$1
     1.7 +	elif [ "$1" ]; then
     1.8 +		echo "Invalid Windows partition"
     1.9 +		return 1
    1.10  	else
    1.11  		DEV="$(blkid | grep -iE "(msdos|vfat|ntfs)" | sed 's/:.*//;s|/dev/||')"
    1.12  		[ "$DEV" ] || return
    1.13 @@ -506,9 +509,10 @@
    1.15  tazboot()
    1.16  {
    1.17 -	$DIALOG --clear \
    1.18 -		--title " SliTaz bootloader for DOS " \
    1.19 -		--yes-label "Install" --yesno \
    1.20 +	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    1.21 +		$DIALOG --clear \
    1.22 +			--title " SliTaz bootloader for DOS " \
    1.23 +			--yes-label "Install" --yesno \
    1.24  "\nThe file TAZBOOT.EXE will be created in the top directory. It supports
    1.25  any linux kernel, multiple initramfs, a kernel command line and
    1.26  an ISO image file loopback (retrieves files from an ISO file).\n\n
    1.27 @@ -523,16 +527,18 @@
    1.28    kernel=\\slitaz\\vmlinuz root=/dev/sda5 ro\n\n
    1.29  Unlike GRUB4DOS, it doesn't require unfragmented ISO image files.\n
    1.30  " 24 78
    1.31 -	[ $? -eq 0 ] || return
    1.32 +		[ $? -eq 0 ] || return
    1.33 +	fi
    1.34  	gettazboot tazboot.exe
    1.35  }
    1.37  md5()
    1.38  {
    1.39  	dotwait "Checking files"
    1.40 -	( cd /media/cdrom ; ${1:-md5sum -c md5sum*} ) > /tmp/data
    1.41 +	( cd /media/cdrom ; ${md5sum:-md5sum -c md5sum*} ) > /tmp/data
    1.42 +	unset md5sum
    1.43  	rm -f /tmp/wait
    1.44 -	if [ "$1 "]; then
    1.45 +	if [ "$1" ]; then
    1.46  		cat /tmp/data
    1.47  	else
    1.48  		$DIALOG --clear \
    1.49 @@ -555,7 +561,8 @@
    1.50  {
    1.51  	gotcdfile 'sha*sum*'
    1.52  	sha=$(basename $file)
    1.53 -	md5 "${sha%sum*}sum -c ${file#/media/cdrom/}" $@
    1.54 +	md5sum="${sha%sum*}sum -c ${file#/media/cdrom/}"
    1.55 +	md5 $@
    1.56  }
    1.58  readme()
    1.59 @@ -572,7 +579,7 @@
    1.61  bzimage()
    1.62  {
    1.63 -	if [ "$1" ]; then
    1.64 +	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    1.65  		$DIALOG --clear \
    1.66  			--title " Create linux.exe ? " \
    1.67  			--yes-label "Install" --yesno \
    1.68 @@ -652,15 +659,17 @@
    1.69  pxe()
    1.70  {
    1.71  	gotcdfile '?pxe'
    1.72 -	$DIALOG --clear \
    1.73 -		--title " Create $(basename $file).exe ? " \
    1.74 -		--yes-label "Install" --yesno \
    1.75 +	if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    1.76 +		$DIALOG --clear \
    1.77 +			--title " Create $(basename $file).exe ? " \
    1.78 +			--yes-label "Install" --yesno \
    1.79  "\nBoot your operating system from the internet and enjoy a full system
    1.80  working entirely in RAM with speed and stability in mind. The Linux Kernel
    1.81  and the complete SliTaz compressed root filesystem will be loaded into RAM
    1.82  from the Web using PXE and HTTP protocols.\n
    1.83  " 12 70
    1.84 -	[ $? -eq 0 ] || return
    1.85 +		[ $? -eq 0 ] || return
    1.86 +	fi
    1.87  	cp $file $(basename $file).exe
    1.88  }
    1.90 @@ -780,7 +789,7 @@
    1.91  		echo "OK" || echo "ERROR"
    1.92  	fi
    1.93  	rm -f /tmp/wait
    1.94 -	[ "$1" ] || return 0
    1.95 +	[ "$1" ] && return 0
    1.96  	echo -e "\rPress RETURN to continue."
    1.97  	read n
    1.98  }
    1.99 @@ -824,6 +833,9 @@
   1.100  {
   1.101  	if [ -b "$1" ]; then
   1.102  		device=$1
   1.103 +	elif [ "$1" ]; then
   1.104 +		echo "Invalid USB key device"
   1.105 +		return 1 
   1.106  	else
   1.107  		$DIALOG --clear \
   1.108  			--title " Create a USB boot key " \
   1.109 @@ -938,6 +950,13 @@
   1.110  [ -z "$(isiso 2> /dev/null)" ] && echo "Usage : $0 file.iso" && exit 1
   1.111  mount -o loop,ro $ISO /media/cdrom
   1.113 +if [ "$2" == "list" ]; then
   1.114 +	sed '/^\$(.*") \\/!d;s/^\$(\(.*\)").*/\1"/' $0 | while read line; do
   1.115 +		eval $line
   1.116 +		echo
   1.117 +	done | sed '/^$/d;/"usbkey"/d'
   1.118 +	quit
   1.119 +fi
   1.120  if grep -q "^$2()" $0; then
   1.121  	exe=$2
   1.122  	shift 2
     2.1 --- a/tazinst-gui/receipt	Sat Apr 11 17:49:13 2015 +0300
     2.2 +++ b/tazinst-gui/receipt	Sat Apr 11 17:40:38 2015 +0200
     2.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     2.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     2.6  PACKAGE="tazinst-gui"
     2.7 -VERSION="52"
     2.8 +VERSION="53"
     2.9  CATEGORY="base-system"
    2.10  SHORT_DESC="SliTaz installer (Gui frontend)."
    2.11  MAINTAINER="domcox@slitaz.org"
     3.1 --- a/tazinst/receipt	Sat Apr 11 17:49:13 2015 +0300
     3.2 +++ b/tazinst/receipt	Sat Apr 11 17:40:38 2015 +0200
     3.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     3.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     3.6  PACKAGE="tazinst"
     3.7 -VERSION="52"
     3.8 +VERSION="53"
     3.9  CATEGORY="base-system"
    3.10  SHORT_DESC="SliTaz installer."
    3.11  MAINTAINER="domcox@slitaz.org"
     4.1 --- a/tazpanel/receipt	Sat Apr 11 17:49:13 2015 +0300
     4.2 +++ b/tazpanel/receipt	Sat Apr 11 17:40:38 2015 +0200
     4.3 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     4.4  # SliTaz package receipt.
     4.6  PACKAGE="tazpanel"
     4.7 -VERSION="453"
     4.8 +VERSION="454"
     4.9  CATEGORY="system-tools"
    4.10  SHORT_DESC="SliTaz administration and configuration panel."
    4.11  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"