wok-6.x rev 23806

linld: add isoboot
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000 (2020-05-24)
parents fabe7b490b0b
children b6e9ec8873bb
files linld/receipt linld/stuff/src/!COMPILE.BAT linld/stuff/src/CRTL.ASM linld/stuff/src/CRTL.H linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP linld/stuff/src/ISOCRTL.ASM linld/stuff/src/JUMP.ASM linld/stuff/src/LINK2.CMD linld/stuff/src/_ISOBEG.ASM linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk
line diff
     1.1 --- a/linld/receipt	Sun May 24 07:34:28 2020 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/linld/receipt	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     1.3 @@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
     1.4  	grep '^Warning[ :]' */LNK.LOG */CPP.LOG
     1.5  	grep '*Warning*' */*.LST
     1.6  	cp LINLD$SUFFIX/LINLD.COM linld.com
     1.7 +	cp LINLD$SUFFIX/ISOBOOT.COM isoboot.com
     1.8  	cp TAZBOOT/TAZBOOT.COM tazboot.com
     1.9  	objdump -D -b binary -mi386 -Maddr16,data16 --adjust-vma=0x100 \
    1.10  		linld.com > linld.lst
     2.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/!COMPILE.BAT	Sun May 24 07:34:28 2020 +0000
     2.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/!COMPILE.BAT	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     2.3 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     2.4  tasm /h > helptasm.log
     2.5  bcc > helpbcc.log
     2.6  tlink > helptlink.log
     2.7 -bcc @bccopt.opt -S -mt -DMOVE_SETUP -DUSE_ARGSTR -DLARGE_IMAGES *.cpp > cpp.log
     2.8 +bcc @bccopt.opt -S -mt -DISOHOOK -DMOVE_SETUP -DUSE_ARGSTR -DLARGE_IMAGES *.cpp > cpp.log
     2.9  ren LINLD.ASM LINLD.ASO
    2.10  ren LOAD.ASM LOAD.ASO
    2.11  ren HIMEM.ASM HIMEM.ASO
     3.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/CRTL.ASM	Sun May 24 07:34:28 2020 +0000
     3.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/CRTL.ASM	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     3.3 @@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@
     3.4  		sub	dx,si
     3.5  		mov	bx,[di]
     3.6  		call	@read$cxdxbx
     3.7 -		jbe	image_done
     3.8 +		jb	image_done
     3.9  		xor	cx,cx
    3.10  		cwd				; ax < 8000h
    3.11  		ifndef	NO386
     4.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/CRTL.H	Sun May 24 07:34:28 2020 +0000
     4.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/CRTL.H	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     4.3 @@ -26,10 +26,14 @@
     4.4  extern _fastcall int argstr(const char *s, const char keywords[], const char **var);
     4.5  extern _fastcall int argnum(char *s, const char keywords[], unsigned long *var);
     4.6  extern _fastcall void set_cmdline(const char *filename);
     4.7 +#ifndef ISOHOOK 
     4.8  #define strhead(a,b)	(strstr(a,b) != (int) (a))
     4.9  #else
    4.10  extern _fastcall int strhead(const char* a,const char* head);
    4.11  #endif
    4.12 +#else
    4.13 +extern _fastcall int strhead(const char* a,const char* head);
    4.14 +#endif
    4.15  extern _fastcall int fileexist(const char* name);
    4.16  //extern "C" int open(const char* name, int flags);
    4.17  extern _fastcall int open(const char* name);
     5.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Sun May 24 07:34:28 2020 +0000
     5.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     5.3 @@ -114,7 +114,12 @@
     5.4  #define _64bits (x->_64bits)
     5.5  	char *s;
     5.7 +#ifdef ISOHOOK
     5.8 +	extern int _cpuhaslm();
     5.9 +	_64bits = _cpuhaslm();
    5.10 +#else
    5.11  	_64bits = cpuhaslm();
    5.12 +#endif
    5.13      do {
    5.14  	for (s = (char *) x->filename2open; *s == '/' ; s++) {
    5.15  		isoroot();
     6.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     6.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/ISOCRTL.ASM	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     6.3 @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
     6.4 +;***************************************************************
     6.5 +;****** This file is distributed under GPL
     6.6 +;***************************************************************
     6.7 +                ideal
     6.8 +		%PAGESIZE 1000
     6.9 +                %crefref
    6.10 +                %noincl
    6.11 +                %nomacs
    6.12 +                p8086
    6.13 +
    6.14 +        group   DGROUP  _TEXT,_DATA,_BSS
    6.15 +        assume  cs:DGROUP,ds:DGROUP
    6.16 +
    6.17 +        segment _TEXT byte public use16 'CODE'
    6.18 +        ends    _TEXT
    6.19 +
    6.20 +        segment _DATA byte public use16 'DATA'
    6.21 +        ends    _DATA
    6.22 +
    6.23 +        segment _BSS byte public use16 'BSS'
    6.24 +
    6.25 +		include	"isostate.inc"
    6.26 +
    6.27 +		public	_isostate
    6.28 +_isostate	isostate	<?>
    6.29 +		org	$-7
    6.30 +
    6.31 +        ends    _BSS
    6.32 +
    6.33 +        segment _TEXT byte public use16 'CODE'
    6.34 +
    6.35 +		global	fold:near
    6.36 +fold:
    6.37 +		org	0F000h
    6.38 +		global	unfold:near
    6.39 +unfold:
    6.40 +		push	dx
    6.41 +		call	readfd
    6.42 +		push	ds
    6.43 +		pop	es
    6.44 +		mov	di,128h		; TABLE
    6.45 +		mov	ax,offset iso_open_hack
    6.46 +		stosw
    6.47 +		mov	ax,offset iso_read_hack
    6.48 +		stosw
    6.49 +		mov	ax,offset iso_lseek_hack
    6.50 +		stosw
    6.51 +		mov	ax,offset iso_close_hack
    6.52 +		stosw
    6.53 +		mov	ax,offset iso_cleanup_hack
    6.54 +		stosw
    6.55 +		global	@_cpuhaslm$qv:near
    6.56 +@_cpuhaslm$qv:
    6.57 +		mov	ax,[132h]
    6.58 +		and	al,20h
    6.59 +		ret
    6.60 +
    6.61 +iso_open_hack:
    6.62 +		pop	ax
    6.63 +		extrn	@_isoopen$qv:near
    6.64 +		cmp	[byte bx],'!'
    6.65 +		je	@readmenu$qv
    6.66 +		xchg	ax,bx
    6.67 +		global	iso_open:near
    6.68 +iso_open:
    6.69 +		mov	[_isostate.filename2open],ax
    6.70 +		call	@_isoopen$qv
    6.71 +		inc	ax
    6.72 +		jnz	open_ok
    6.73 +		dec	ax
    6.74 +		stc
    6.75 +open_ok:
    6.76 +		ret
    6.77 +
    6.78 +		global	@readmenu$qv:near
    6.79 +@readmenu$qv:
    6.80 +		mov	dx,18
    6.81 +		xor	cx,cx
    6.82 +		call	lseekset
    6.83 +		mov	dx,offset _isostate.filemod
    6.84 +		mov	cx,10
    6.85 +		call	readfd ; // read x->filemod + x->fileofs & x->filesize
    6.86 +		mov	bx,offset _isostate.fileofs
    6.87 +		; x->fileofs = 0x7FF0 - (x->filesize &= 0xFFFF);
    6.88 +		and	[word bx+6],0
    6.89 +		mov	ax,7FF0h
    6.90 +		sub	ax,[bx+4]
    6.91 +		and	[word bx+2],0
    6.92 +		mov	[bx],ax
    6.93 +		; //magic = x->filemod;
    6.94 +		ret
    6.95 +
    6.96 +
    6.97 +	macro   curseek
    6.98 +		push	cx
    6.99 +		xor	cx,cx
   6.100 +		xor	dx,dx
   6.101 +		mov	ax,4201h
   6.102 +		call	dosfd		; lseek(,0L,SEEK_CUR)
   6.103 +		call	@doseek2
   6.104 +	ifndef	NO386
   6.105 +		push	dx
   6.106 +		push	ax
   6.107 +		pop	eax
   6.108 +	endif
   6.109 +		pop	cx
   6.110 +	endm
   6.111 +
   6.112 +iso_read_hack:
   6.113 +	ifdef	NO386
   6.114 +		push	dx
   6.115 +		curseek
   6.116 +		mov	bx,[word _isostate.filesize]
   6.117 +		sub	bx,ax
   6.118 +		mov	ax,[(word _isostate.filesize)+2]
   6.119 +		sbb	ax,dx
   6.120 +		ja	@@cxok
   6.121 +		je	@@rem
   6.122 +		xor	cx,cx
   6.123 +@@rem:
   6.124 +		cmp	bx,cx
   6.125 +		ja	@@cxok
   6.126 +		mov	cx,bx
   6.127 +@@cxok:
   6.128 +		pop	dx
   6.129 +	else
   6.130 +                p386
   6.131 +		push	edx
   6.132 +		curseek
   6.133 +		mov	edx,[_isostate.filesize]
   6.134 +		sub	edx,eax
   6.135 +		jnb	@@rem
   6.136 +		xor	cx,cx
   6.137 +@@rem:
   6.138 +		movzx	eax,cx
   6.139 +		cmp	edx,eax
   6.140 +		ja	@@cxok
   6.141 +		mov	cx,dx
   6.142 +@@cxok:
   6.143 +		pop	edx
   6.144 +	endif
   6.145 +		or	cx,cx
   6.146 +		pop	bx
   6.147 +		jmp	readfd
   6.148 +
   6.149 +iso_lseek_hack:
   6.150 +		xchg	ax,bx
   6.151 +		pop	bx
   6.152 +	ifdef	SEEK_CUR
   6.153 +		cmp	al,1	; current
   6.154 +		jne	@@nocurrent
   6.155 +		call	dosfd		; lseek(,0L,SEEK_CUR)
   6.156 +		jmp	@doseek2
   6.157 +@nocurrent:
   6.158 +	endif
   6.159 +		add	dx,[word _isostate.fileofs]
   6.160 +		adc	cx,[(word _isostate.fileofs)+2]
   6.161 +		cmp	al,0	; start
   6.162 +		je	@@doseek
   6.163 +		add	dx,[word _isostate.filesize]
   6.164 +		adc	cx,[(word _isostate.filesize)+2]
   6.165 +@@doseek:
   6.166 +		call	lseekset	; lseek(,0L,SEEK_SET)
   6.167 +@doseek2:
   6.168 +		sub	ax,[word _isostate.fileofs]
   6.169 +		sbb	dx,[(word _isostate.fileofs)+2]
   6.170 +		ret
   6.171 +
   6.172 +iso_close_hack:
   6.173 +		pop	bx
   6.174 +		ret
   6.175 +
   6.176 +iso_cleanup_hack:
   6.177 +		mov	ah,3Eh		; close file
   6.178 +		jmp	dosfd
   6.179 +
   6.180 +
   6.181 +
   6.182 +;***************************************************************
   6.183 +;_fastcall void isolseek(bx:const unsigned long *offset);
   6.184 +;***************************************************************
   6.185 +        global  @isolseek$qpxul:near
   6.186 +        proc    @isolseek$qpxul near
   6.187 +
   6.188 +isolseek:
   6.189 +		mov	dx,[bx]
   6.190 +		mov	cx,[bx+2]
   6.191 +lseekset:
   6.192 +		mov	ax,4200h			; bx=fd cx:dx=offset al=whence
   6.193 +dosfd:
   6.194 +		mov	bx,[_isostate.fd]
   6.195 +dos:
   6.196 +		int	21h
   6.197 +failifc:
   6.198 +		jnc	@@dosok
   6.199 +fail:
   6.200 +		sbb	ax,ax
   6.201 +		cwd
   6.202 +@@dosok:
   6.203 +		ret
   6.204 +
   6.205 +	endp	@isolseek$qpxul
   6.206 +
   6.207 +;***************************************************************
   6.208 +;_fastcall int isoreadsector(bx:const unsigned long *offset);
   6.209 +;***************************************************************
   6.210 +        global  @isoreadsector$qpxul:near
   6.211 +        proc    @isoreadsector$qpxul near
   6.212 +
   6.213 +		call	isolseek
   6.214 +		jc	fail
   6.215 +		mov	cx,2560
   6.216 +		mov	dx,offset _isostate.buffer
   6.217 +		global	readfd:near
   6.218 +readfd:
   6.219 +                mov	ah,3Fh
   6.220 +		jmp	dosfd
   6.221 +
   6.222 +        endp    @isoreadsector$qpxul
   6.223 +
   6.224 +;***************************************************************
   6.225 +;_fastcall int strhead(bx:const char* a, ax:const char* b);
   6.226 +;***************************************************************
   6.227 +        global  @strhead$qpxzct1:near
   6.228 +        proc    @strhead$qpxzct1 near
   6.229 +
   6.230 +@@loop:
   6.231 +		xchg	ax,bx
   6.232 +                mov	cl,[bx]			; cl = *b++
   6.233 +                inc	bx
   6.234 +		or	cl,cl			; clear C
   6.235 +		jz	failifc			; return 0
   6.236 +		xchg	ax,bx
   6.237 +                xor	cl,[bx]			; cl -= *a++
   6.238 +                inc	bx
   6.239 +		and	cl,0dfh			; case insensitive
   6.240 +		jne	fail			; return -1
   6.241 +                jmp	@@loop
   6.242 +
   6.243 +	endp	@strhead$qpxzct1
   6.244 +
   6.245 +;***************************************************************
   6.246 +;_fastcall int strcmp(bx:const char* a, ax:const char* b);
   6.247 +;***************************************************************
   6.248 +        global  @strcmp$qpxzct1:near
   6.249 +        proc    @strcmp$qpxzct1 near
   6.250 +
   6.251 +                push	si
   6.252 +		xchg	ax,si
   6.253 +		dec	bx
   6.254 +@@lp:
   6.255 +		inc	bx
   6.256 +		lodsb
   6.257 +		sub	al,[bx]
   6.258 +		jnz	@@out
   6.259 +		or	al,[bx]
   6.260 +		jnz	@@lp
   6.261 +@@out:
   6.262 +		cbw
   6.263 +                pop	si
   6.264 +                ret
   6.265 +
   6.266 +        endp    @strcmp$qpxzct1
   6.267 +
   6.268 +	ifdef	NO386
   6.269 +        global  N_LXLSH@ES:near
   6.270 +N_LXLSH@ES:
   6.271 +		mov	dx,es
   6.272 +        global  N_LXLSH@:near
   6.273 +N_LXLSH@:
   6.274 +		mov	ch,0
   6.275 +@@lp:
   6.276 +		shl	ax,1
   6.277 +		rcl	dx,1
   6.278 +		loop	@@lp
   6.279 +		ret
   6.280 +	endif
   6.281 +
   6.282 +        ends    _TEXT
   6.283 +
   6.284 +	end
     7.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/JUMP.ASM	Sun May 24 07:34:28 2020 +0000
     7.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/JUMP.ASM	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     7.3 @@ -85,6 +85,10 @@
     7.4  	global	_boot_kernel:near
     7.5          proc    _boot_kernel near
     7.7 +		ifdef	ISOHOOK
     7.8 +		extrn	iso_cleanup_hack:word
     7.9 +		call	[iso_cleanup_hack]	; or ret
    7.10 +		endif
    7.11  		ifdef	NO386
    7.12                  p8086
    7.13  		else
     8.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/LINK2.CMD	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     8.3 @@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
     8.4 +_isobeg.obj isocrtl.obj iso9660.obj _end.obj, isoboot
     9.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     9.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/_ISOBEG.ASM	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
     9.3 @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
     9.4 +;***************************************************************
     9.5 +;****** This file is distributed under GPL
     9.6 +;***************************************************************
     9.7 +                ideal
     9.8 +		%PAGESIZE 1000
     9.9 +                %crefref
    9.10 +                %noincl
    9.11 +                %nomacs
    9.12 +                p8086
    9.13 +
    9.14 +        group   DGROUP  _TEXT,_DATA,_BSS
    9.15 +        assume  cs:DGROUP,ds:DGROUP
    9.16 +
    9.17 +        segment _TEXT byte public use16 'CODE'
    9.18 +        ends    _TEXT
    9.19 +
    9.20 +        segment _DATA byte public use16 'DATA'
    9.21 +        global  _data_start:byte
    9.22 +        label   _data_start byte
    9.23 +        ends    _DATA
    9.24 +
    9.25 +        segment _BSS byte public use16 'BSS'
    9.26 +
    9.27 +        global  _bss_start:byte
    9.28 +        label   _bss_start byte
    9.29 +utoabuf		db	6 dup(?)
    9.30 +
    9.31 +		include	"isostate.inc"
    9.32 +
    9.33 +		extrn	_isostate:isostate
    9.34 +
    9.35 +        ends    _BSS
    9.36 +
    9.37 +        segment _TEXT byte public use16 'CODE'
    9.38 +
    9.39 +                org     100h
    9.40 +        global  _text_start:byte
    9.41 +        label   _text_start byte
    9.42 +
    9.43 +		extrn	fold
    9.44 +		extrn	unfold
    9.45 +		mov	si,offset fold
    9.46 +		mov	di,offset unfold
    9.47 +		mov	ch,4
    9.48 +		cld
    9.49 +		rep
    9.50 +		  movsw
    9.51 +
    9.52 +;***************************************************************
    9.53 +; clear bss
    9.54 +;***************************************************************
    9.55 +
    9.56 +		mov	si,offset _bss_start
    9.57 +clearbss:
    9.58 +		mov	[byte si],cl	; clear bss + heap
    9.59 +		inc	si
    9.60 +		jne	clearbss
    9.61 +
    9.62 +;***************************************************************
    9.63 +; build arg
    9.64 +;***************************************************************
    9.65 +
    9.66 +		mov	bx,endbzimage-bzimage
    9.67 +		mov	si,80h
    9.68 +		mov	di,si
    9.69 +		lodsb
    9.70 +		add	[di],bl
    9.71 +		cbw
    9.72 +		mov	bp,-1
    9.73 +skipspace:
    9.74 +		inc	bp
    9.75 +		cmp	[byte bp+si]," "
    9.76 +		je	skipspace
    9.77 +		xchg	ax,cx
    9.78 +		add	si,cx
    9.79 +		dec	si
    9.80 +		lea	di,[bx+si]
    9.81 +		mov	[di+1],bh
    9.82 +		sub	cx,bp
    9.83 +		std
    9.84 +		rep
    9.85 +		  movsb
    9.86 +		push	di
    9.87 +		mov	si,offset endbzimage-1
    9.88 +		mov	cl,bl
    9.89 +		rep
    9.90 +		  movsb
    9.91 +		pop	si
    9.92 +		inc	si
    9.93 +		cld
    9.94 +
    9.95 +	ifdef	LONG_FILENAME
    9.96 +		mov	ax,716Ch
    9.97 +		xor	bx,bx			; R/O
    9.98 +		;xor	cx,cx			; attributes
    9.99 +		cwd				; action = open
   9.100 +		stc
   9.101 +                int	21h
   9.102 +                jnc	opened
   9.103 +	endif
   9.104 +                mov	ax,3d00h		; read-only+compatibility
   9.105 +		;mov	cl,0			; attribute mask
   9.106 +                mov	dx,si
   9.107 +                int	21h
   9.108 +                jnc	opened
   9.109 +
   9.110 +_abort:
   9.111 +		mov	dx,offset stopmsg
   9.112 +		mov	ah,9
   9.113 +		int	21h
   9.114 +		int	20h
   9.115 +opened:
   9.116 +		mov	[_isostate.fd],ax
   9.117 +		mov	ax,offset bootdir
   9.118 +		extrn	iso_open:near
   9.119 +		call	iso_open
   9.120 +jc_abort:
   9.121 +		jc	_abort
   9.122 +
   9.123 +;***************************************************************
   9.124 +
   9.125 +; patch magic
   9.126 +		extrn	@readmenu$qv:near
   9.127 +		call	@readmenu$qv
   9.128 +		mov	ax,[_isostate.filemod]
   9.129 +		mov	bx,10
   9.130 +		xor	cx,cx
   9.131 +@@loop1:
   9.132 +		xor	dx,dx
   9.133 +		div	bx		; DX:AX = n%10:n/10
   9.134 +		push	dx		; DL = n%10
   9.135 +		inc	cx
   9.136 +		or	ax,ax
   9.137 +		jnz	@@loop1
   9.138 +		push	ds
   9.139 +		pop	es
   9.140 +		lea	di,[bp+magic-bzimage+81h]
   9.141 +@@loop2:
   9.142 +		pop	ax
   9.143 +		add	al,'0'
   9.144 +		stosb
   9.145 +		loop	@@loop2
   9.146 +
   9.147 +; patch initrd
   9.148 +		cwd
   9.149 +		or	[_isostate.curdirsize],-1
   9.150 +		jmp	patchtest
   9.151 +found:
   9.152 +		inc	dh
   9.153 +patchtest:
   9.154 +		push	dx
   9.155 +		extrn	@isoreaddir$qv:near
   9.156 +		call	@isoreaddir$qv
   9.157 +		pop	dx
   9.158 +		push	ds
   9.159 +		pop	es
   9.160 +		inc	ax
   9.161 +		jne	patchlp
   9.162 +		cmp	dx,100h
   9.163 +		je	initrddone
   9.164 +		lea	di,[bp+rootfs-bzimage+87h]
   9.165 +		or	dh,dh
   9.166 +		je	modify
   9.167 +		add	di,4
   9.168 +		mov	si,offset rootfs
   9.169 +		mov	cx,3
   9.170 +		rep
   9.171 +		  movsw
   9.172 +modify:
   9.173 +		xchg	ax,dx
   9.174 +		stosb
   9.175 +		mov	si,offset dotgz
   9.176 +		mov	cl,5
   9.177 +		rep
   9.178 +		  movsb
   9.179 +initrddone:
   9.180 +		
   9.181 +;***************************************************************
   9.182 +
   9.183 +		mov	ax,offset linld
   9.184 +		call	iso_open
   9.185 +		jc	jc_abort
   9.186 +		mov	cx,[word _isostate.filesize]
   9.187 +		mov	dx,100h
   9.188 +		jmp	near unfold
   9.189 +patchlp:
   9.190 +		mov	si,[_isostate.filename]
   9.191 +		mov	di,offset rootfs
   9.192 +		mov	cx,9
   9.193 +		rep
   9.194 +		  cmpsb
   9.195 +		jcxz	found
   9.196 +		cmp	cl,3
   9.197 +		ja	patchtest
   9.198 +		dec	si
   9.199 +		cmp	dl,[si]
   9.200 +		ja	patchtest
   9.201 +		mov	dl,[si]
   9.202 +		jmp	patchtest
   9.203 +
   9.204 +stopmsg:
   9.205 +		db	 "This program cannot be run in DOS mode$"
   9.206 +bootdir:
   9.207 +		db	"/boot",0
   9.208 +linld:
   9.209 +		db	"linld.com",0
   9.210 +bzimage:
   9.211 +		db	"-f "
   9.212 +		;db	"image=boot\bzImage "
   9.213 +		db	"initrd="
   9.214 +rootfs:
   9.215 +		db	"rootfs"
   9.216 +dotgz:
   9.217 +		db	".gz,!            "
   9.218 +		; 	".gz,rootfs4.gz,! "
   9.219 +		;db	"rw "
   9.220 +		db	"autologin rdinit=/init.exe mode=menu magic="
   9.221 +magic:
   9.222 +		db	"0     bootfrom="
   9.223 +		;	"65535 bootfrom="
   9.224 +endbzimage:
   9.225 +
   9.226 +
   9.227 +;***************************************************************
   9.228 +
   9.229 +        ends    _TEXT
   9.230 +
   9.231 +
   9.232 +        end     _text_start
   9.233 +
   9.234 +;###### END OF FILE ############################################
    10.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk	Sun May 24 07:34:28 2020 +0000
    10.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk	Sun May 24 16:16:52 2020 +0000
    10.3 @@ -45,12 +45,14 @@
    10.4  		if (/ax,word ptr/) $0="	xchg	ax,bx"
    10.5  		if (/\[si\]$/) { islinld=0; print "; " $0; next }
    10.6  	}
    10.7 -	if (/do strcatb/) islinld=5
    10.8  	if (islinld==5) {
    10.9  		if (/si/) next
   10.10 -		$0="	lodsw"
   10.11 -		islinld=0
   10.12 +		if (/buf_cmdline/) {
   10.13 +			print	"	lodsw"
   10.14 +			islinld=0
   10.15 +		}
   10.16  	}
   10.17 +	if (/do strcatb/) islinld=5
   10.18  	 } # file == "linld.cpp"
   10.19  	 if (file == "himem.cpp") {
   10.20  	if (/void load_image/) ishimem=1