wok-current annotate dwm/receipt @ rev 24903

updated mercurial (5.3.1 -> 6.1.1)
author Hans-G?nter Theisgen
date Sat Apr 09 11:10:54 2022 +0100 (2022-04-09)
parents bfabe25c21ff
rev   line source
pankso@2378 1 # SliTaz package receipt.
pankso@2378 2
pankso@2378 3 PACKAGE="dwm"
Hans-G?nter@24504 4 VERSION="6.3"
pankso@2378 5 CATEGORY="x-window"
Hans-G?nter@24504 6 TAGS="window-manager"
pankso@2378 7 SHORT_DESC="Very light dynamic window manager for X."
pankso@2378 8 MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
pascal@15202 9 LICENSE="MIT"
Hans-G?nter@24504 10 WEB_SITE="https://dwm.suckless.org/"
Hans-G?nter@24504 11
pankso@2378 12 TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.gz"
Hans-G?nter@24504 13 WGET_URL="https://dl.suckless.org/dwm/$TARBALL"
pankso@9766 14
pankso@2378 15 DEPENDS="xorg-libX11 xorg-xsetroot"
Hans-G?nter@24504 16 BUILD_DEPENDS="xorg-libX11-dev xorg-libXinerama-dev xorg-xineramaproto
Hans-G?nter@24504 17 xorg-xproto"
Hans-G?nter@24504 18
Hans-G?nter@24504 19 HOST_ARCH="i486 arm"
pankso@2378 20
pascal@24439 21 # What is the latest version available today?
pascal@24439 22 current_version()
pascal@24439 23 {
pascal@24439 24 wget -O - ${WGET_URL%/*} 2>/dev/null | \
pascal@24439 25 sed "/latest/d;/$PACKAGE-[0-9]/!d;/tar/!d;s|.*$PACKAGE-\\(.*\\).tar.*|\\1|" | sort -Vr | sed q
pascal@24439 26 }
pascal@24439 27
pankso@2378 28 # Rules to configure and make the package.
pankso@2378 29 compile_rules()
pankso@2378 30 {
pankso@16103 31 # From blue to grey and have lighter grey
Hans-G?nter@24504 32 sed -i s/'#0066ff'/'#222222'/g config.def.h
Hans-G?nter@24504 33 sed -i s/'#cccccc'/'#f1efeb'/g config.def.h
Hans-G?nter@24504 34
pankso@2378 35 # 6 tag-mask
Hans-G?nter@24504 36 sed -i s/', "7", "8", "9"'// config.def.h
Hans-G?nter@24504 37
pankso@2378 38 # Firefox on current tag-mask
Hans-G?nter@24504 39 sed -i s/'1 << 8,'/'0, '/ config.def.h
Hans-G?nter@24504 40
pankso@2378 41 # [Shift]+[Alt]+[Enter]
Hans-G?nter@24504 42 sed -i s/uxterm/xterm/ config.def.h
Hans-G?nter@24504 43
pankso@16103 44 make CC=${HOST_SYSTEM}-gcc
pankso@2378 45 }
pankso@2378 46
pankso@2378 47 # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
pankso@2378 48 genpkg_rules()
pankso@2378 49 {
pankso@2378 50 mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
Hans-G?nter@24504 51
Hans-G?nter@24504 52 cp -a $src/dwm $fs/usr/bin
Hans-G?nter@24504 53 cp -a $stuff/dwm-session $fs/usr/bin
Hans-G?nter@24504 54 chown 0.0 $fs/usr/bin/*
pankso@2378 55 }
pankso@2378 56
pankso@2378 57 post_install()
pankso@2378 58 {
pascal@18730 59 res=$(cat "$1/etc/slim.conf" | grep ^session | sed s/"sessions. *"//)
Hans-G?nter@24504 60 # Adding dwm to SLIM available sessions.
Hans-G?nter@24504 61 if ! echo "$res" | grep -q $PACKAGE
Hans-G?nter@24504 62 then
pascal@20319 63 echo
pankso@2378 64 echo -n "Adding $PACKAGE to /etc/slim.conf..."
pankso@2378 65 sed -i "s/^sessions.*/sessions ${res},dwm/" /etc/slim.conf
pankso@2378 66 status
pankso@2378 67 fi
pankso@2378 68 }
pankso@2378 69
pankso@2378 70 post_remove()
pankso@2378 71 {
Hans-G?nter@24504 72 # Remove dwm from SLIM available sessions.
Hans-G?nter@24504 73 if grep -q dwm "$1/etc/slim.conf"
Hans-G?nter@24504 74 then
pascal@18730 75 sed -i s/,dwm// "$1/etc/slim.conf"
pankso@2378 76 fi
pankso@2378 77 }