wok-current diff memtest/stuff/bootloader.S @ rev 20179

ipxe: update bootloader
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sat Jan 27 12:56:10 2018 +0100 (2018-01-27)
parents 9ca81337dc6e
children 1421f93cc28a
line diff
     1.1 --- a/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Sun May 07 21:49:40 2017 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/memtest/stuff/bootloader.S	Sat Jan 27 12:56:10 2018 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
     1.4 -// Image/zImage boot sector
     1.5 +// Image/zImage & tiny bzImage linux kernel boot sector, (C) SliTaz, GPL2.
     1.7  SYSSEG		= 0x1000
     1.8  INITSEG		= 0x9000
     1.9  SETUPSEG	= 0x9020
    1.10  setup_sects	= 497
    1.11  syssize		= 500
    1.12 +cmd_line_ptr	= 0x228
    1.14  	.text
    1.15  	.code16
    1.16 @@ -14,20 +15,24 @@
    1.18  #define CODESZ 512		/* patched by installer */
    1.20 +//#define BZIMAGE 0x207		/* setup version ; for bzImage < 512 Kb only */
    1.21 +
    1.22  /* some extra features */
    1.23  #define EXE_SUPPORT		real mode dos .exe file support
    1.24 -#define CMDLINE		0x9E00
    1.25 +#define CMDLINE			kernel cmdline support	
    1.26  #define VCPI			VCPI 4.0 support
    1.27  #define SHUTDOWNDOS		shutdown DOS services
    1.29 -/* some contraints to reduce the size */
    1.30 +/* some contraints to reduce the code size */
    1.31  //#define FLOPPY_1440K_ONLY	1.44M floppies support only	-33
    1.32  //#define FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES	hardcoded heads count to 2	-13
    1.33 -//#define MOVE_MAX_SYSSIZE	always memcpy 512Kb		-2
    1.34 -//#define NO_CURSOR_DEFINITION					-8
    1.35 -//#define NO_CMDLINE_SHRINK	remove heading spaces ?		-6
    1.36 +//#define NO_CMDLINE_SHRINK	remove heading spaces ?		-6-20
    1.37  //#define NO_CMDLINE_FILE	remove @cmdline file support ?	-20
    1.38  //#define NO_DOTS		show progression dots ?		-8
    1.39 +#ifndef BZIMAGE
    1.40 +//#defime NO_MINSETUP		default setup (dos only) ?	-4
    1.41 +//#define NO_CURSOR_DEFINITION					-8
    1.42 +#endif
    1.44  #ifdef EXE_SUPPORT
    1.45  #define EXEADRS(x)	(x+0xE0)
    1.46 @@ -65,23 +70,33 @@
    1.47  //	.word	0,0,0			// Overlay number
    1.48  #endif
    1.49  start:
    1.50 -	cld				# assume nothing
    1.51  	xorw	%ax, %ax		# %ax = 0
    1.52 +#ifdef BZIMAGE
    1.53 +zeroed		= 14			# zeroed registers
    1.54 +#else
    1.55  zeroed		= 12			# zeroed registers
    1.56 +#endif
    1.57 +	movw	$zeroed/2, %cx		# clear gdt + offset, %ds, limits
    1.58  stacktop	= 0x9E00		# in 0x8000 .. 0xA000 (+zeroed+12)
    1.59  	pushw	$INITSEG
    1.60 -	popw	%ss			# %ss contain INITSEG
    1.61 -	pushw	%ss
    1.62  end_header:
    1.63 -	popw	%es			# %es = %ss = INITSEG
    1.64 +	cld				# assume nothing
    1.65 +#if defined(BZIMAGE) && BZIMAGE >= 0x202
    1.66 +	popw	%es			# %es contain INITSEG
    1.67 +	movw	%es, %di
    1.68 +#else
    1.69  					# cmdline offset at 0x22
    1.70  	movw	$stacktop, %di		# stacktop is an arbitrary value >=
    1.71  					# length of bootsect + length of
    1.72  					# setup + room for stack;
    1.73  					# 12 is disk parm size.
    1.74 +	popw	%es			# %es contain INITSEG
    1.75 +#endif
    1.76 +	pushw	%es
    1.77 +	popw	%ss			# %es = %ss = INITSEG
    1.78  	movw	%di, %sp		# put stack at INITSEG:stacktop-...
    1.79  #ifdef EXE_SUPPORT
    1.80 -	cwd				# %dx = 0
    1.81 +	cwd				# force %dx = 0 (floppy only)
    1.82  #endif
    1.84  # Many BIOS's default disk parameter tables will not recognize
    1.85 @@ -96,7 +111,6 @@
    1.86  #
    1.87  # High doesn't hurt.  Low does.  Let's use the max: 63
    1.89 -	movw	$zeroed/2, %cx		# clear gdt + offset, %ds, limits
    1.90  	rep				# don't worry about cld
    1.91  	stosw				# already done above
    1.92  	popw	%bx			# offset = 0
    1.93 @@ -135,6 +149,9 @@
    1.94  	shrw	$9-4, %di
    1.95  	incw	%di
    1.96  	movw	$SYSSEG, %cx
    1.97 +#ifdef BZIMAGE
    1.98 +	push	%cx
    1.99 +#endif
   1.100  	call	read_sectorsCX
   1.102  # This procedure turns off the floppy drive motor, so
   1.103 @@ -149,6 +166,45 @@
   1.104  # loaded directly after the bootblock:
   1.105  # Segments are as follows: %ds = %ss = INITSEG
   1.107 +#ifdef BZIMAGE
   1.108 +	popw	%bx
   1.109 +	popw	%si			// SYSSEG:0
   1.110 +movesys:				// %bx = DS, %si
   1.111 +	movw	$16, %ax
   1.112 +	mulw	%bx
   1.113 +	addw	%si, %ax
   1.114 +	adcw	$0x9300, %dx		// %dx:%ax src flat address
   1.115 +	movw	$9, %cx
   1.116 +zero1:
   1.117 +	pushw	$0			// 2E..1E
   1.118 +	loop	zero1
   1.119 +	//pushl	$0x93100000		// 1A: dest
   1.120 +	pushw	$0x9310
   1.121 +	pushw	%cx
   1.122 +	pushw	$-1			// 18
   1.123 +	pushw	%cx			// 16
   1.124 +	pushw	%dx			// src
   1.125 +	pushw	%ax
   1.126 +	pushw	$-1			// 10
   1.127 +	movb	$8, %cl
   1.128 +	movw	%cx, %bx		// will move 8*64 = 512Kb
   1.129 +zero2:
   1.130 +	pushw	$0			// 0E..00
   1.131 +	loop	zero2
   1.132 +	movw	%sp, %si
   1.133 +	pushw	%ss
   1.134 +	popw	%es
   1.135 +	pushw	%es
   1.136 +	popw	%ds
   1.137 +syslp:
   1.138 +	movb	$0x80, %ch	
   1.139 +	movb	$0x87, %ah
   1.140 +	int	$0x15
   1.141 +	incb	0x14(%si)
   1.142 +	incb	0x1C(%si)
   1.143 +	decw	%bx
   1.144 +	jne	syslp
   1.145 +#endif
   1.146  jmp_setup:
   1.147  	ljmp	$SETUPSEG, $0
   1.149 @@ -172,29 +228,32 @@
   1.150  	movw	$stacktop-4-16, %sp
   1.151  	popl	4(%si)
   1.152  	popaw
   1.153 +#ifdef BZIMAGE
   1.154 +	jmp	movesys
   1.155  #endif
   1.156 +#endif
   1.157 +#ifndef BZIMAGE
   1.158  movesys:				// %ax = SYSSEG, %bx = DS, %si
   1.159 -	//movw	%cs:syssize, %bp
   1.160 -	movw	$0x8000, %bp
   1.161  	shrw	$4, %si
   1.162  	addw	%si, %bx
   1.163  	subw	%ax, %bx
   1.164  	jnc	forward
   1.165 -	addw	%bp, %ax
   1.166 +	movb	$0x90, %ah
   1.167 +	;decw	%ax
   1.168  forward:
   1.169  	movw	%ax, %es
   1.170 -	movw	%ax, %dx
   1.171 -	addw	%bx, %dx
   1.172 -	movw	%dx, %ds
   1.173 -	sbbw	%dx, %dx		// %dx = 0 : -1
   1.174 +	movw	%ax, %di
   1.175 +	addw	%bx, %di
   1.176 +	movw	%di, %ds
   1.177 +	sbbw	%di, %di		// %di = 0 : -1
   1.178  	cmc				//  C  = 1 :  0
   1.179 -	adcw	%dx, %ax
   1.180 +	adcw	%di, %ax
   1.181  	xorw	%si, %si
   1.182  	xorw	%di, %di
   1.183 -	movb	$8, %cl
   1.184 +	movb	$0x10, %cl
   1.185 +	cmpb	%cl, %ah		// move 512k
   1.186  	rep
   1.187 -	  movsw
   1.188 -	decw	%bp
   1.189 +	  movsb
   1.190  	jns	forward
   1.191  #ifndef NO_CURSOR_DEFINITION
   1.192  	movb	$1, %ah
   1.193 @@ -205,6 +264,7 @@
   1.194  	pushw	%ss
   1.195  	popw	%ds
   1.196  	jmp	jmp_setup
   1.197 +#endif
   1.198  comstart:
   1.199  	cld				# assume nothing
   1.200  	pushw	$INITSEG
   1.201 @@ -216,7 +276,11 @@
   1.202  	cbw
   1.203  	xchgw	%ax, %cx
   1.204  	jcxz	nocmdline
   1.205 +# if defined(BZIMAGE) && BZIMAGE >= 0x202
   1.206 +	movw	$INITSEG/16+stacktop/256, EXEADRS(cmd_line_ptr+1)
   1.207 +# else
   1.208  	movw	$0xA33F, 0x7F(%si)
   1.209 +# endif
   1.210  # ifndef NO_CMDLINE_SHRINK
   1.211  skipspace:
   1.212  	lodsb
   1.213 @@ -244,9 +308,18 @@
   1.214  	rep
   1.215  	  movsb
   1.216  nocmdline:
   1.217 +	orb	EXEADRS(setup_sects), %ch
   1.218 +# ifndef NO_MINSETUP
   1.219 +#  ifndef BZIMAGE
   1.220 +	jnz	setupok
   1.221 +	mov	$4, %ch
   1.222 +setupok:
   1.223 +#  endif
   1.224 +# endif
   1.225 +#else
   1.226 +	movb	EXEADRS(setup_sects), %ch
   1.227  #endif
   1.228  	movb	$(512-(end_header-_start))/2, %cl
   1.229 -	movb	EXEADRS(setup_sects), %ch
   1.230  	movw	$0x100, %si
   1.231  	movw	$end_header, %di
   1.232  	rep
   1.233 @@ -260,19 +333,13 @@
   1.234  	pushw	$movesys
   1.235  #endif
   1.236  #ifdef VCPI
   1.237 -# ifndef SHUTDOWNDOS
   1.238 -	pushw	%es
   1.239 -	pushw	%ds
   1.240 -# endif
   1.241  	pushaw
   1.242  	smsww	%ax
   1.243  	andb	$1, %al
   1.244  	je	isrm
   1.245  	movw	$EXEADRS(gdt_vcpi),%si
   1.246 -	pushw	$pagebuf/16
   1.247 -	popw	%es
   1.248 -	movl	$pagebuf+3,%es:0x1000
   1.249 -	xorw	%di,%di
   1.250 +	movw	$pagebuf-0x90000,%di	// %es = 0x9000
   1.251 +	movl	$pagebuf+3,%es:0x1000(%di)
   1.252  call_vcpi:
   1.253  	movb	$0xDE,%ah	// DE01, EBX = getiface(DS:SI, ES:DI)
   1.254  	int	$0x67
   1.255 @@ -291,8 +358,6 @@
   1.256  # else
   1.257  	lssw	%cs:EXEADRS(saved_ss_sp),%sp	
   1.258  	popaw
   1.259 -	popw	%ds
   1.260 -	popw	%es
   1.261  	retf
   1.262  # endif
   1.263  #else
   1.264 @@ -316,7 +381,6 @@
   1.265  #define FLOPPY_SECTORS		18	/* 18 sectors */
   1.266  #else
   1.267  #define FLOPPY_HEADS		2	/* 2 heads minimum */
   1.268 -#define FLOPPY_SECTORS		9	/* 9 sectors minimum */
   1.269  #endif
   1.271  return:
   1.272 @@ -330,14 +394,9 @@
   1.273  check_limits:
   1.274  #ifndef FLOPPY_1440K_ONLY
   1.275  	popw	%dx
   1.276 -#ifdef FLOPPY_SECTORS
   1.277 -	cmpb	$FLOPPY_SECTORS+1, %cl	# minimum sector count
   1.278 -	jb	check_head
   1.279 -#endif
   1.280          cmpb    %al, %cl		# max sector known ?
   1.281          ja	next_head		#   no -> store it
   1.282  #ifndef FLOPPY_HAS_2_SIDES
   1.283 -check_head:
   1.284  #ifdef FLOPPY_HEADS
   1.285  	cmpb	$FLOPPY_HEADS, %dh	# 2 heads minimum
   1.286  	jb	check_cylinder