- libsexymm: fix bdeps2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- icedtea6-jdk: It build, dont exit on make messages2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- qt4: fix typo2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- qt4: need gtk for theme engine2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix bdeps (was missing quiet a few -dev) - we need ssl support in QT2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- makeself: *.run TARBALL should be handled by a good packages builder :-)2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add xorg-server-light (no dep on drm/gl) - pkg is at 720 kb!2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- enna: guess libplayer is needed!2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- icedtea6-jdk: fix comment2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- enna: fix bdeps and add ethumb (new dep ?)2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- icedtea6-jdk: add some echo for logs2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- icedtea6-jdk: add small comment2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- icedtea6-jdk: it build now (DONT touch this receipt or mail me or MAINTAINER)2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- linux-libre: Fixed to only use tazwok if cook doesn't exist. Fixed also some typos.2011-05-26, by Christopher Rogers
- linux-libre: remove all report (last try to build failed)2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- cross-arm-*: remove pkgs (will be for 5.0)2011-05-27, by Christophe Lincoln
- openjdk-6-src: it a meta packe to get jdk source2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- jdk6-*: fix receipt (if no files it must be a meta package)2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- mixxx: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- claws-mail-dev: up deps2011-05-26, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- up: rssyl* (0.30)2011-05-26, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- linux-libre: should build now2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- libsexymm: fix gdeps2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- gambas2: fix last commit2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- gambas2: try an other trick2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- qemu: comment copy file from etc (only in 0.14.1)2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- wvstreams: fic build (CONFIGURE_ARGS must sometime go first) + fix bdeps2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- enlightenment: make sure we dont use connman and bluez2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- qemu: back to a working version (0.12.5)2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- e17: add a few tags to dumb pkgs2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- enlightenment and libs: huge clean to bdeps and make it build2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- edbus: fix bdeps one more time2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- yajl: we need TARBALL set2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- wesnoth: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- ncmpc: update bdeps (again)2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- ncmpc: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- ncmpc: fix WGET_URL2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- cairo-dock-plugins: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- centerim: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- cyrus-sasl-pam: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- warmux: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- tcpick: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- scummvm: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- squidguardmgr: fix compile_rules2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- gambas2: it build dont exit because of ERROR il make iinstall2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- fotoxx: fix src url2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- vlc: update bdeps (again)2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- vlc: typo2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- vlc: update bdeps (again)2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- vlc: update bdeps (again)2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- mutt:fix buils and change maintainer to paul (taziden can't maintain anymore)2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- vlc: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- parole: fix bdeps and clean2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- gyrus: fix bdeps2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- lirc: fix bdeps and kernel ERROR message2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- e17 libs: clean receipt and bdeps to make edbus built2011-05-26, by Christophe Lincoln
- samba: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- python-pylons, python-routes: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- mtpfs: update bdeps (again)2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- mtpfs: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard
- gnomad2: update bdeps2011-05-26, by Pascal Bellard