- openttd: update bdeps2015-09-19, by Pascal Bellard
- open-vm-tools: another attempt to get kernel selection correct for build in the wok2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- libcanberra: race condition2015-09-19, by Pascal Bellard
- gnome-keyring: fix build2015-09-19, by Pascal Bellard
- gegl: update bdeps2015-09-19, by Pascal Bellard
- gmerlin: update bdeps2015-09-19, by Pascal Bellard
- open-vm-tools: more deps attempt2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- open-vm-tools: missing deps2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- open-vm-tools: fix depmod call2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- merge default2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- open-vm-tools: possibly working version for linux64 after evil hacks2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- open-vm-tools: only build modules2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- open-vm-tools: add missing dep linux-module-headers2015-09-19, by Nathan Neulinger
- mtpaint: disable libopenjpeg & libjasper2015-09-19, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Add: WIP open-vm-tools kernel modules2015-09-18, by Nathan Neulinger
- Add: WIP open-vm-tools kernel modules2015-09-18, by Nathan Neulinger
- Add: WIP open-vm-tools (10.0.0)2015-09-18, by Nathan Neulinger
- libmspack: add missing pkgconfig files, fix warning2015-09-18, by Nathan Neulinger
- Add: libmspack, libmspack-dev (0.5alpha)2015-09-18, by Nathan Neulinger
- btrfs-progs: race condition2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- linux64-aufs: add provide2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- gdal: update bdeps2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- linux64-aufs, aufs: update 3.2.71 patch2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- fbida: update bdeps2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- linux64-aufs: add 3.2.71 patch2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- gnustep-base: update bdeps2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- flam3: race condition2015-09-18, by Pascal Bellard
- nginx-extras: update (b)deps2015-09-17, by Yuri Pourre
- Add: nginx-extras (1.9.4)2015-09-17, by Nathan Neulinger
- Up: nginx (1.9.4)2015-09-17, by Nathan Neulinger
- v4l4j: Update wget_url and (b)deps2015-09-17, by Yuri Pourre
- simh: race condition (again)2015-09-17, by Pascal Bellard
- simh: race condition2015-09-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Add hash-slinger2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- glib-networking: Recook2015-09-16, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Add rspamd2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Add hiredis2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up postgrey (1.36)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up phpldapadmin (1.2.2)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up rdesktop (1.8.3)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- mailx: update for openssl (again)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- mailx: update for openssl2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- license: save sources2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- jbig2dec: add bdeps2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up zstd (0.1.2)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up lrzip (0.621)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up advancecomp (1.20)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up ht (2.1.0)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up mosh (1.2.5)2015-09-16, by Pascal Bellard
- icedtea6-jdk: disable currency timebomb2015-09-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Add harfbuzz-icu (again)2015-09-14, by Pascal Bellard
- Add harfbuzz-icu (depend on icu: 28.6M !)2015-09-14, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: icedtea6 (1.9.9)2015-09-14, by Yuri Pourre
- jdk6-jaf jdk6-jaxp jdk6-jaxws: update wget_url2015-09-13, by Yuri Pourre
- Down llvm (3.2), breaks mesa2015-09-12, by Pascal Bellard
- Down giflib (4.1.6)2015-09-12, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Rebuild packages that depends on giflib & nettle (ldd fail)2015-09-12, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up libmagic-dev libmagic python-magic (5.24)2015-09-12, by Pascal Bellard
- visualboyadvance: add vba.glade closes bug #1462015-09-11, by Richard Dunbar
- Up: mpc-library (1.0.3)2015-09-11, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: file (5.24)2015-09-11, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: nettle (3.1.1)2015-09-11, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: giflib (5.1.1)2015-09-11, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: harfbuzz (1.0.3) + add ICU dep2015-09-11, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: bash (4.3.42)2015-09-11, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: xfburn (0.5.4)2015-09-10, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: mercurial (3.5.1)2015-09-10, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: openbox (3.6.1)2015-09-10, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: bin86 (0.16.21)2015-09-10, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up: opus-tools (0.1.9)2015-09-10, by Alexander Medvedev
- Up xz (5.2.1)2015-09-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Up zstd (0.1.1)2015-09-10, by Pascal Bellard
- web-applications: add paste.desktop2015-09-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Updates licenses2015-09-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add mfoc2015-09-09, by Pascal Bellard
- dropbear: add sshfbvnc (again)2015-09-09, by Pascal Bellard
- dropbear: add sshfbvnc (again)2015-09-09, by Pascal Bellard
- dropbear: add sshfbvnc2015-09-09, by Pascal Bellard
- A collection of wallpapers for SliTaz.2015-09-09, by Leonardo Laporte
- Up links-dfb (2.11)2015-09-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Up links (2.11)2015-09-08, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- docbook-xsl: missing file2015-09-08, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- GTK-2 and Openbox Themes to Slitaz GNU Linux2015-09-05, by Leonardo Laporte
- Up tazwikiss (248)2015-09-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Add xsshfs (again)2015-09-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Add xsshfs (again)2015-09-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Add xsshfs2015-09-01, by Pascal Bellard
- btrfs-progs, gcc49-lib-base: typo in PROVIDE2015-08-30, by Pascal Bellard
- Up youtube-dl (2015.08.28)2015-08-29, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up fluxbox (1.3.7)2015-08-29, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- slitaz-boot-scripts: typo2015-08-29, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up gparted (0.23.0)2015-08-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Up slitaz-boot-scripts (412)2015-08-27, by Pascal Bellard
- Up python-urwid (1.3.0)2015-08-26, by Paul Issott
- Up openssh (7.1p1)2015-08-26, by Pascal Bellard
- Up tazpanel(529)2015-08-26, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up tazpanel(527)2015-08-26, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Add ponyprog2015-08-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up cookutils (750)2015-08-25, by Pascal Bellard
- jansson-dev: add deps2015-08-25, by Pascal Bellard
- busybox-static: add mount -o flags (for /init)2015-08-24, by Pascal Bellard
- busybox-static: add basename (for /init)2015-08-24, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: bogofilter (1.2.4)2015-08-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add jsmin; up: slitaz-base-files(284), tazpanel(526), tazpkg(839).2015-08-24, by Aleksej Bobylev
- gvim: move icon, upgrade .desktop file2015-08-21, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up: firefox-official (40.0.2)2015-08-20, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add python-pyserial2015-08-18, by Pascal Bellard
- iron-linux: fix menu shortcut2015-08-17, by Richard Dunbar
- aufs: linux 3.2.71 support2015-08-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Up linux (3.2.71), again2015-08-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Up linux (3.2.71), again2015-08-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Up linux (3.2.71)2015-08-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Up openssh (7.0p1)2015-08-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up dropbear (2015.68)2015-08-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: tazpkg(836)2015-08-15, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Add suplemon2015-08-15, by Paul Issott
- Up slitaz-boot-scripts (409)2015-08-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: tazpkg(834)2015-08-14, by Aleksej Bobylev
- knock: set default interface2015-08-14, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: tazpkg(831), tzdata(2015f)2015-08-13, by Aleksej Bobylev
- yuyo-gtk-theme: update version2015-08-11, by yuripourre