- Down firefox-official (77.0)2022-09-06, by Pascal Bellard
- ftop: add description.txt2022-09-06, by Pascal Bellard
- itaka: fix wget_url2022-09-06, by Pascal Bellard
- Up firefox-official (104.0)2022-09-04, by Pascal Bellard
- Update some web_site2022-09-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Update some wget_url2022-09-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up chkrootkit (0.55)2022-09-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up codec2 (1.0.5)2022-09-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Up xz (5.2.6)2022-09-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Update some web_site2022-09-01, by Pascal Bellard
- Add wireguard for linux642022-08-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Up bacon (4.5), clex (4.7), rcssmin (1.1.1), remind (04.00.03)2022-08-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Up libarchive (3.6.1)2022-08-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Up znc (1.8.2)2022-08-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Add httpfs2-enhanced2022-08-26, by Pascal Bellard
- motion: adapted configuration parameters to version 4.4.02022-08-21, by Hans-G?nter Theisgen
- qt5: update wget_url with archive.org2022-08-19, by Pascal Bellard