age |
author |
description |
2009-05-10 |
Pascal Bellard |
edje efreet evas: add missing links |
2009-05-08 |
Pascal Bellard |
ecore: fix compile_rules (again) |
2009-05-06 |
Christophe Lincoln |
Up: enlightenment wm, tools and lib to the last snapshot or svn |
2009-03-15 |
Pascal Bellard |
e*: update depends |
2009-01-08 |
Christophe Lincoln |
Up: efreet ( - Snapshot 2008-09-25 |
2008-10-04 |
Pascal Bellard |
update BUILD_DEPENDS for claws-mail-attremover claws-mail-notification claws-mail-vcalendar edje efreet ewl imlib2 xorg-server xorg-xf86-input-evdev xorg-xf86-input-keyboard xorg-xf86-input-mouse xorg-xf86-video-ati xorg-xf86-video-nv xorg-xf86-video-vesa xorg-xkeyboard-config |
2008-02-13 |
Christophe Lincoln |
Most categorie are OK... (no more extra) |
2008-01-28 |
Christophe Lincoln |
UP : e17 and deps (snapshots 2008-01-25) |
2008-01-16 |
Christophe Lincoln |
Add e17 packages |