wok-current log jpeg-dev/receipt

age author description
2019-08-10 Pascal Bellard Fix chromaprint & guvcview
2019-03-15 Hans-G?nter Theisgen updated jpeg and jpeg-dev (8c -> 9c)
2014-04-23 Pascal Bellard jpeg-dev: update deps
2014-03-02 Christophe Lincoln jpeg: add to ARM arch
2013-12-05 Pascal Bellard Add some licenses
2012-04-19 Christopher Rogers Up: jpeg to 8c.
2010-10-09 Christopher Rogers Fixed giflib-dev, jpeg-dev, libpng-dev, tiff-dev, and zlib-dev. I made there wanted package be depends also since you need the .so files to compile things also most of the time.
2010-10-09 Christopher Rogers Added jpegint.h into jpeg-dev package. XBMC needs it for example.
2010-08-14 Matthew Sheets jpeg: Upgrade to 8b
2008-02-13 Christophe Lincoln All *-dev pkgs goes in category development
2007-12-18 Christophe Lincoln Add : jpeg, libpng, tiff-* and xterm