wok-current log xorg-libXft/receipt

age author description
2021-07-07 Pascal Bellard Add some current_version
2019-11-11 Hans-G?nter Theisgen updated xorg-libXft and xorg-libXft-dev (2.3.1 -> 2.3.3)
2018-08-09 Pascal Bellard Update some web_site to https
2014-03-12 Christophe Lincoln ARM: add a bunch of packages including Xterm
2013-06-03 Christopher Rogers xorg: Use SOURCE Variable Aleksey.
2013-06-03 Aleksej Bobylev Xorg. xorg-libXft: up 2.3.1; xorg-libXi: back to 1.7.1 (mirror's latest).
2012-10-01 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Add: iniparser*
2012-04-25 Christophe Lincoln xorg-libXft: fix bdep
2012-04-24 Christophe Lincoln Up: xorg-libXfont, xorg-libXft, xorg-libfontenc + clean receipt
2011-01-19 Christopher Rogers Add all xorg changes from wok-experimental.
2010-10-31 Christopher Rogers Up: xorg-libXft to 2.2.0.
2010-10-31 Antoine Bodin Big update: xorg/libdrm/mesa (174 packages)
2010-04-18 Christophe Lincoln Up: All Xorg lib (rel 7.5 and up)
2009-07-21 Matthew Sheets Update: xorg-libXft (DEPENDS)
2009-05-11 Christophe Lincoln Up: Xorg libs to 7.4
2009-03-11 Pascal Bellard xorg-lib*: update depends
2007-12-18 Christophe Lincoln Add : xorg-* first big commit (no server)