wok-current log atril/receipt

age author description
21 months ago Pascal Bellard Update some web_site/wget_url with https
2021-06-08 Pascal Bellard Add current_version for most github hosted softwares
2016-11-28 Xander Ziiryanoff gambas2, atril: update (b)depends
2016-07-05 Aleksej Bobylev Check manpages... from start to beaver.
2016-07-04 Aleksej Bobylev Compress manpages.
2016-07-04 Aleksej Bobylev Compress manpages.
2015-12-04 Aleksej Bobylev Change messaging in {pre|post}_{install|remove}(): wget and a* packages
2015-10-17 Yuri Pourre atril: update bdeps
2015-10-17 Yuri Pourre Add mozo
2015-10-11 Yuri Pourre atril: update (b)deps
2015-10-11 Yuri Pourre Up atril: fix typo
2015-10-11 Yuri Pourre Add atril