wok-current log xorg-xf86-video-savage/receipt

age author description
2010-05-17 Rohit Joshi xorg-libX11 depends on libxcb; add tags to xorg-xf86-video-*; Up trident
2010-04-29 Christopher Rogers Up: xorg-xf86-video-i740 (2.3.1)
2010-04-19 Christophe Lincoln Up: All Xorg driver (7.5 and up)
2010-02-04 Eric Joseph-Alexandre xorg-xf86-video-*: Fix DESC.
2009-05-11 Christophe Lincoln Up: Xorg driver to 7.4
2008-03-18 Christophe Lincoln Add some Xorg video driver + fix libX11 XKeysymDB