wok-current log libgtop/receipt

age author description
2021-09-28 Pascal Bellard Add some current_version
2019-01-24 Pascal Bellard Update some WEB_SITE
2018-02-24 Pascal Bellard Force host arch to i486 (again)
2018-02-24 Pascal Bellard Force host arch to i486
2013-06-11 Pascal Bellard lib[a-n]*: add LICENSE
2012-04-28 Pascal Bellard libgtop: update bdeps
2011-12-18 Antoine Bodin libgtop: add glib to depends; add intltool to build_depends
2011-11-03 Pascal Bellard Add from wok-undigest: libbonoboui libdesktop-agnostic libfm libgnome libgnome-keyring libgnomeui libgtop libruby