age |
author |
description |
2013-08-10 |
Pascal Bellard |
Add LGPL2.1 licenses |
2011-12-11 |
Antoine Bodin |
Fix: up pygobject to 2.28.6 & disable support for introspection in it |
2011-05-21 |
Christopher Rogers |
Up: pygobject to 2.28.4. |
2011-04-05 |
Christopher Rogers |
Up: pygobject to 2.28.3. |
2010-10-18 |
Christopher Rogers |
Up: pygobject to 2.26.0. |
2010-10-09 |
Pascal Bellard |
fix python path |
2010-10-09 |
Pascal Bellard |
remove hard coded python2.5 |
2010-02-28 |
Pascal Bellard |
p*: update depends |
2010-01-16 |
Eric Joseph-Alexandre |
Add: vim-tiny (textmode only). |
2010-01-02 |
Eric Joseph-Alexandre |
Up: pygobject* (2.20.0) |
2009-03-14 |
Pascal Bellard |
py3k pycairo pygobject pygtk python-lxml python: update depends |
2008-10-06 |
Pascal Bellard |
Update some BUILD_DEPENDS |
2008-10-03 |
Pascal Bellard |
apr-util icon-naming-utils irssi mcabber pygobject: update BUILD_DEPENDS |
2008-09-25 |
Pascal Bellard |
Add WEB_SITE for libedit-dev nomad pygobject pygobject-dev xpat2 |
2008-08-02 |
Eric Joseph-Alexandre |
Add Python bindings for cairo, GTK, GObject. |