wok-current log dbus-glib/receipt

age author description
2011-10-17 Christopher Rogers Up: dbus-glib to 0.98.
2011-05-23 Christophe Lincoln dbus-glib: can't cross compile
2010-11-10 Christopher Rogers Up: dbus-glib to 0.92.
2010-08-14 Matthew Sheets dbus-glib: Upgrade to 0.86
2009-05-11 Christophe Lincoln Up: dbus (1.2.14), dbus-glib (0.80)
2008-12-17 Mallory MOLLO Up: dbus-glib (0.74 => 0.78)
2008-10-08 Pascal Bellard dbus: fix compile_rules
2008-05-15 Christophe Lincoln Add dbus-glib - DBUS Glib binding