wok-current log get-softmodem-driver/stuff/hsfmodem-
age | author | description |
2012-11-08 | Pascal Bellard | move from undigest: 0install adminer blktrace busybox-boot blktrace codiad davmail e4rat fbff flashrom fsthost get-softmodem-driver lessfs libmikmod libmikmod-dev lvmts mikmod navit phpeasyvcs puppet qtractor splashutils systemd tokyocabinet tokyocabinet-dev vmware-view-open-client wine-rt-dev xflux |
2009-06-18 | Dominique Corbex | get-softmodem-driver: automatic country detection added during slmodem install |
2009-06-17 | Dominique Corbex | get-softmodem-driver: packages are now saved in tazwok packages_repository |
2009-06-15 | Dominique Corbex | get-softmodem-driver: simplifying the build process |
2009-06-15 | Dominique Corbex | get-softmodem-driver: hsfmodem up to |