wok-current log remmina/receipt

age author description
2014-12-30 Pascal Bellard typos
2014-10-09 Pascal Bellard Add telepathy-glib
2014-10-09 Pascal Bellard remove remmina-plugins
2014-05-14 Pascal Bellard Up remmina (15/07/2013)
2013-09-26 Pascal Bellard remmina: add /usr/include files
2013-08-13 Pascal Bellard Up babl-dev, cookutils-daemon, frogatto-data, kmod-dev, libbonoboui-dev, libcomerr3, libcurl, libexo-dev, libpurple-dev, nagios-plugins-mysql, net6-dev, netatalk-dev, php-cups, pygobject-dev, remmina-dev, ruby-enterprise-doc, shutter-bug, ssfs-server, xfi, xfw, xine-fonts, xorg-server-Xvfb according the wanted their package versions
2012-11-12 Pascal Bellard remmina: update deps
2012-11-12 Pascal Bellard remmina: update bdeps
2012-11-12 Pascal Bellard remmina: use cmake
2012-11-12 Pascal Bellard Up remmina (1.0.0)
2012-08-29 Pascal Bellard remmina: add LDFLAGS
2011-02-17 Antoine Bodin Fix bdep: remmina need intltool to compile
2011-01-29 Pascal Bellard Add remmina