wok-current log libimobiledevice/receipt

age author description
2021-07-10 Pascal Bellard Add some current_version
2020-10-28 Pascal Bellard Up openvpn (2.5.0)
2018-12-14 Pascal Bellard libimobiledevice, openvas-client, passenger: update bdeps
2015-05-22 Aleksej Bobylev Rebuild Python packages to remove "*.pyc" files from package.lists (part 1).
2013-06-11 Pascal Bellard lib[a-n]*: add LICENSE
2012-02-23 Samuel Trassare added plist/swig/plist.i to libplist. Ommission was breaking libimobiledevice(-dev).
2012-02-21 Christopher Rogers Add libimobiledevice.