wok-current log intltool/receipt
age | author | description |
2013-08-10 | Pascal Bellard | Add some GPL2 licenses |
2012-06-06 | Pascal Bellard | intltool: update bdeps |
2012-06-06 | Christopher Rogers | Up: intltool to 0.50.2. |
2010-10-10 | Christopher Rogers | Updated website url of intltool. |
2010-10-10 | Christopher Rogers | Up: intltool to 0.41.1. Needed for gnome-doc-utils to compile (i think). |
2010-05-15 | Akim Bey | intltool: add depend gettext |
2009-12-30 | Christophe Lincoln | Up: intltool (0.40.6) |
2008-10-04 | Pascal Bellard | update BUILD_DEPENDS in asunder clearlooks evas gcolor2 gnome-menus grsync intltool libiec61883 libwnck neon poedit portmap pycairo shared-mime-info tsclient xorg-libICE xorg-xload |
2008-06-30 | Christophe Lincoln | Add intltool (new build dep for PCmanFM) |