wok-current log aufs-utils/receipt

age author description
3 months ago Stanislas Leduc Merge wok for both arch and few updates
12 months ago Stanislas Leduc Up kernel to 5.10.210 and aufs5
17 months ago Stanislas Leduc Mass updates for current
2022-09-28 Pascal Bellard Update sourceforge.net web_sites with https://
2022-02-05 Pascal Bellard Add some current_version
2018-03-15 Pascal Bellard linux-module-headers: add include/linux/version.h
2016-07-05 Aleksej Bobylev Check manpages... from start to beaver.
2016-07-04 Aleksej Bobylev Compress manpages.
2013-12-09 Pascal Bellard aufs-utils: hide AUFS_XINO_TRUNC_*
2013-08-10 Pascal Bellard Add some GPL2 licenses
2013-03-11 Pascal Bellard aufs-utils: update WGET_URL
2013-03-11 Pascal Bellard Up: aufs-utils (20130311)
2011-05-25 Pascal Bellard aufs-utils: update bdeps
2011-05-15 Christophe Lincoln aufs-utils: we need TARBALL
2011-02-14 Antoine Bodin Fix: using date for aufs versionning is more reliable (thanks godane)
2011-02-13 Antoine Bodin imported patch get/aufs-utils
2011-01-28 Christopher Rogers Fixed aufs-utils.
2011-01-25 Christopher Rogers Fix aufs and aufs-utils again.
2011-01-24 Christopher Rogers Fixed aufs-utils.
2011-01-24 Christopher Rogers Up: aufs-utils to 20110124.
2010-11-17 Christopher Rogers Add aufs. Aufs is now compile by itself like ndiswrapper-driver is. This is so the aufs source tar.gz file is not purge with tazdev everytime we need to purge it. Removed linux-aufs receipt. Updated linux, linux-source, and aufs-utils with the new changes.
2010-10-18 Christopher Rogers Fixed aufs-utils again. Added KDIR=/usr/src/linux to make it work.
2010-10-18 Christopher Rogers Fixed aufs-utils. I just need linux-module-headers installed without linux-source. Compiles fine that way.
2010-10-18 Pascal Bellard aufs-utils: fix compile_rules
2010-10-14 Christopher Rogers Bumped aufs-utils.
2010-10-14 Christopher Rogers Up: aufs-utils to 20101014. Added support to back up source code into a .tar.gz. Also added linux-module-headers as build depend since it builds with it. Added a fix-kdir.patch since it was KDIR support was remove from newer git version.
2010-09-16 Christopher Rogers Added squashfs_lzma to kernel config. Added some more options to aufs in kernel. Added all missing modules into packages. Added scsi.patch to fix linux-headers scsi.h file to be compatible with glibc scsi.h. Up: aufs-utils to 20100916.
2010-07-16 Pascal Bellard aufs-utils: fix compile_rules
2010-03-11 Pascal Bellard aufs-utils: fix install args
2009-09-28 Pascal Bellard aufs-utils: fix kernel path
2009-09-28 Christophe Lincoln Add: aufs-utils (aufs2 utilities)
2008-12-06 Pascal Bellard Add aufs