wok-current log libQtDeclarative/receipt

age author description
2 months ago Stanislas Leduc Merge wok for both arch and few updates
2022-03-16 Pascal Bellard ncursesw-dev: add pkg config files (again)
2016-12-22 Xander Ziiryanoff Up qt4 (4.8.7)
2014-07-16 Xander Ziiryanoff rePackaging main of "wanted" on Qt4. (s/4.8.4/4.8.6)
2013-09-14 Pascal Bellard Add some licenses
2013-02-11 ernia qt4 up to 4.8.4 - fixed some qt4 dependent package which does not build, upgrading only if necessary, tested razorqt and some apps, all seems to work
2012-08-28 Pascal Bellard Add libQtDeclarative