wok-current log libcanberra/receipt

age author description
2 weeks ago Stanislas Leduc Merge wok for both arch and few updates
2021-07-08 Pascal Bellard Add some current_version
2015-09-19 Pascal Bellard libcanberra: race condition
2015-02-12 Alexander Medvedev Up libcanberra 0.30
2014-07-15 Yuri Pourre libcanberra: Update bdeps
2013-11-09 Pascal Bellard Add some licenses
2012-05-31 Pascal Bellard libcanberra: update bdeps
2012-04-23 Christophe Lincoln libcanberra: try a fix
2012-04-20 Pascal Bellard Up wxWidgets: (2.9.3)
2011-05-20 Christopher Rogers Up: libcanberra to 0.28.
2011-03-03 Christopher Rogers Up: libcanberra to 0.26.
2011-03-01 Pascal Bellard gtksourceview, gyrus, icewm, kino, libcanberra, libstroke, linphone, linuxdcpp: update BUILD_DEPENDS
2010-05-27 Alexander Medvedev Add: libcanberra