wok-current log libgio-dev/receipt

age author description
3 weeks ago Stanislas Leduc Merge wok for both arch and few updates
11 months ago Stanislas Leduc Mass update, new toolchain gcc 8.3.0, glibc 2.28.0
14 months ago Stanislas Leduc Mass updates for current
2019-01-21 Pascal Bellard Update some WEB_SITE
2015-02-10 Alexander Medvedev Up: glib 2.43.3
2014-12-30 Pascal Bellard Fix wanted versions
2014-04-10 Christophe Lincoln glib: also up to 2.34.3 for i486
2014-04-09 Christophe Lincoln ARM: add mpfr + mpc-library (to cook native ARM gcc) and try to fix glib (gtk crashe are from libgobject-2.0.so.0)
2014-04-03 Christophe Lincoln ARM: fix libgio version and add hicolor-icon-theme
2014-03-05 Christophe Lincoln glib: fix cross compilation to ARM :-)
2013-12-05 Pascal Bellard Update some bdeps with pkg-config
2013-08-10 Pascal Bellard Add some GPL2 licenses
2012-09-26 Pascal Bellard Up glib (2.32.4)
2012-04-23 Christophe Lincoln Up: glib (2.32.1) Ok no move to gtk3
2012-01-29 Christopher Rogers Up: glib to 2.30.2.
2011-11-02 Christopher Rogers Up: glib to 2.30.1.
2011-10-12 Christopher Rogers Up: glib to 2.30.0.
2011-06-04 Christopher Rogers Up: glib to 2.28.7.
2011-05-21 Christopher Rogers Up: glib to 2.28.6.
2011-04-06 Christopher Rogers Up: libgio to 2.28.5.
2010-11-14 Christopher Rogers Up: libgio to 2.26.1.
2010-10-12 Christopher Rogers Added libgio to libgio-dev depends.
2010-10-10 Christopher Rogers Up: glib to 2.26.0. Added perl and python to build depends so script in glib-dev work right if build in clean chroot.
2010-08-14 Matthew Sheets glib: Upgrade to 2.25.13
2010-05-01 Christophe Lincoln Up: libgio (2.25.2)
2009-09-19 Christophe Lincoln Up: glib (2.21.6)
2009-08-27 Matthew Sheets Upgrade: glib/libgio (2.20.3 to 2.21.5)
2009-07-08 Matthew Sheets Update: libgio-dev (category)
2009-06-28 Christophe Lincoln libgio: Fix VERSION to match glib
2009-05-13 Christophe Lincoln Up: glib (2.20.1)
2009-01-08 Christophe Lincoln Up: glib (1.18.3) + libgio
2008-10-05 Pascal Bellard Up libgio (2.16.5)
2008-05-18 Christophe Lincoln glib, glibmm: split libgio (-500 Kb)