wok-current log libsexymm/receipt

age author description
23 months ago Pascal Bellard Update some web_site/wget_url with https
2022-07-28 Pascal Bellard Update some wget_url
2022-02-14 Pascal Bellard Add some current_version
2013-06-11 Pascal Bellard lib[s-z]*: add LICENSE
2012-05-31 Pascal Bellard libsexymm: update bdeps
2011-05-27 Christophe Lincoln libsexymm: fix bdeps
2011-05-26 Christophe Lincoln libsexymm: fix gdeps
2011-05-19 Christophe Lincoln libsexymm: fix bdeps (may need lingiomm)
2011-05-19 Christophe Lincoln libsexymm: fix bdeps (try 2)
2011-05-19 Christophe Lincoln libsexymm: fix bdeps
2010-02-28 Pascal Bellard l*: update depends
2009-09-30 Christophe Lincoln Add: libsexymm (C++ binding to libsexy)