wok-current log libsigc++-dev/receipt

age author description
3 weeks ago Stanislas Leduc Merge wok for both arch and few updates
11 months ago Stanislas Leduc Mass update, new toolchain gcc 8.3.0, glibc 2.28.0
14 months ago Stanislas Leduc Mass updates for current
2019-01-24 Pascal Bellard Update some WEB_SITE
2014-04-23 Christophe Lincoln Up alsa, ARM add ntp* + a bunch of python packages
2013-12-05 Pascal Bellard Update some bdeps with pkg-config
2013-06-11 Pascal Bellard lib[s-z]*: add LICENSE
2011-12-24 Pascal Bellard Up libsigc++-dev (2.2.10)
2011-05-20 Christopher Rogers Up: libsigc++ to 2.2.9.
2010-11-03 Christopher Rogers Added libsigc++ to libsigc++-dev depends.
2010-09-11 Christopher Rogers Up: libsigc++, libsigc++-dev to 2.2.8.
2009-05-13 Christophe Lincoln Up: libsigc++ (2.2.3)
2008-02-13 Christophe Lincoln All *-dev pkgs goes in category development
2008-01-09 Christophe Lincoln Add : Gparted + deps (libsigc++, glibmm, gtkmm)