wok-current log locale-ar/receipt

age author description
8 weeks ago Stanislas Leduc Merge wok for both arch and few updates
2019-11-22 Pascal Bellard fix locale-* post_remove
2019-03-25 Pascal Bellard locale-*: update post_remove
2016-06-03 Aleksej Bobylev Fill category 'localization'
2015-06-28 Aleksej Bobylev syslinux: change some locales in the menu; update locale-* package set according to syslinux menu, add kbd (console keyboard) layouts.
2014-11-28 Aleksej Bobylev Try to 'arm'-ize tzdata, slitaz-i18n, and locale-* packages
2014-05-07 Aleksej Bobylev locale-*: fix gconv modules names
2014-05-06 Aleksej Bobylev slitaz-i18n: encodings are still used in translations and web pages, so add gconv modules to locale packages. Add: full set of locale-xx-extra. Up: all locale-xx, locale-xx-extra, slitaz-i18n, slitaz-i18n-extra (4.2). Up slitaz-tools, slitaz-tools-boxes (5.8.6)
2014-04-29 Aleksej Bobylev ttf-roboto, ttf-roboto-base: fix source paths; slitaz-i18n: now get info from tzdata and add country flags; add locale-ar; locale-**: remove stuff, small edits.