wok-current log tightvnc/receipt

age author description
21 months ago Pascal Bellard Up perl-test-compile (3.1.0)
2022-07-17 Pascal Bellard tightvnc/Imake.tmpl: update ArCmd
2022-01-31 Pascal Bellard Add some current_version
2013-07-18 Pascal Bellard *vnc*: add LICENSE
2013-07-18 Eric Joseph-Alexandre tightvnc: improve receipt
2012-06-12 Pascal Bellard Add compiler & vnc tags
2012-04-30 Pascal Bellard tightvnc: fix rgb path (again)
2012-04-30 Pascal Bellard tightvnc: fix rgb path
2012-04-30 Pascal Bellard tightvnc: fix font path
2011-02-13 Christopher Rogers Fix: changed xfree86-base-fonts to xorg-base-fonts in tightvnc depends.
2011-02-04 Christopher Rogers Fix: compile tightvnc with -j1.
2010-02-24 Rohit Joshi add/improve TAGS t* receipts
2009-09-23 Pascal Bellard tightvnc: update BUILD_DEPENDS
2009-07-02 Pascal Bellard Add tightvnc-extra
2009-07-02 Pascal Bellard Add tightvnc