wok-current rev 20543

Remove linux-mmc
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Sat Dec 01 11:07:58 2018 +0100 (2018-12-01)
parents c836f6d2eff8
children 857bcb9a456d
files linld/stuff/src/HIMEM.CPP linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk linux-mmc/receipt linux/stuff/linux-slitaz.config linux/stuff/linux-slitaz.config64 linux64-mmc/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/HIMEM.CPP	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/HIMEM.CPP	Sat Dec 01 11:07:58 2018 +0100
     1.3 @@ -58,11 +58,13 @@
     1.4          // 'Gathering' copy in chunks of PAGE_SIZE
     1.5          // No risk of overlapping: kernel is copied from above to 1m mark
     1.6          m->size = pm2initrd(m)->size = PAGE_SIZE;
     1.7 +#define ADD_PAGE(x)	(*(unsigned long *)(((char *)&x)+1)+=PAGE_SIZE/256)
     1.8 +#define SUB_PAGE(x)	(*(unsigned long *)(((char *)&x)+1)-=PAGE_SIZE/256)
     1.9  	reset_bufv(q);
    1.10  	do {
    1.11              m->buf = *q;
    1.12              memcpy_image(m);
    1.13 -            next(q); m->fallback+=PAGE_SIZE;
    1.14 +            next(q); ADD_PAGE(m->fallback);
    1.15          } while(*q);
    1.16          // Move initrd
    1.17  	m = pm2initrd(m);
    1.18 @@ -75,10 +77,10 @@
    1.19              q=m->bufv;
    1.20  	    reset_bufv(q);
    1.21              do {
    1.22 -                next(q); m->fallback+=PAGE_SIZE;
    1.23 +                next(q); ADD_PAGE(m->fallback);
    1.24              } while(*q);
    1.25              do {
    1.26 -                prev(q); m->fallback-=PAGE_SIZE;
    1.27 +                prev(q); SUB_PAGE(m->fallback);
    1.28                  m->buf = *q;
    1.29                  memcpy_image(m);
    1.30              } while(q != m->bufv);
     2.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     2.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/ISO9660.CPP	Sat Dec 01 11:07:58 2018 +0100
     2.3 @@ -51,7 +51,8 @@
     2.4  	}
     2.5  	x->fileofs = (* (unsigned long *) (p + 2)) << SECTORBITS;
     2.6  	x->filesize = * (unsigned long *) (p + 10);
     2.7 -	x->filemod = (p[25] & 2) ? 0040755 : 0100755;
     2.8 +	x->filemod = 0x81ED; if (p[25] & 2) ((char *)&(x->filemod))[1] = 0x41;
     2.9 +	//x->filemod = (p[25] & 2) ? 0040755 : 0100755;
    2.10  	//x->filemod = 0100755 - ((p[25] & (char)2) << 13);
    2.11  #ifdef __ROCKRIDGE
    2.12  	endname = NULL;
     3.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     3.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/LOAD.CPP	Sat Dec 01 11:07:58 2018 +0100
     3.3 @@ -138,7 +138,6 @@
     3.5      char *version_string;
     3.6    {
     3.7 -    struct first1k_t *first1k;
     3.8      struct kernelparams_t *kernelparams;
     3.9      kernelparams = &(((first1k_t*) (rm_buf = (u8 *)malloc_or_die(_32k)))->params);
    3.10  #define first1k		((first1k_t*)((u8 *)kernelparams-0x1F1))
     4.1 --- a/linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     4.2 +++ b/linld/stuff/src/pipehole.awk	Sat Dec 01 11:07:58 2018 +0100
     4.3 @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     4.4  	if (hold == 0) {
     4.5  		s=$0
     4.6  		if (/^	mov	.[ix],bx$/ || /^	mov	.[ix],.i$/) {
     4.7 -			r=$2
     4.8 +			r=$2; kept=0
     4.9  			hold=1; split($2,regs,","); next
    4.10  		}
    4.11  		if (/^	inc	e?.[ix]/ || /^	dec	e?.[ix]/) {
    4.12 @@ -14,21 +14,36 @@
    4.13  			hold=3; split($2,regs,","); next
    4.14  		}
    4.15  		if (/^	movzx	eax,ax$/) { hold=4; next }
    4.16 +		if (/^	cmp	word ptr/ || /^  cmp     [abcd]x,/) {
    4.17 +			split($0,regs,",")
    4.18 +			if (isnum(regs[2]) && regs[2] != 0 &&
    4.19 +				 (regs[2] % 256) == 0) {
    4.20 +				hold=5
    4.21 +				next
    4.22 +			}
    4.23 +		}
    4.24  		if (/^	mov	cl,4$/)   { hold=8; next }
    4.25  	}
    4.26  	else if (hold == 1) {
    4.27 -		if (/^   ;/) { print; next }
    4.28 +		if (/^   ;/) { line[kept++]=$0; next }
    4.29  		hold=0; split($2,args,","); op=""
    4.30  		if ($1 == "add") op="+"
    4.31  		if ($1 == "sub") op="-"
    4.32 -		if (op != "" && regs[1] == args[1] && isnum(args[2])) {
    4.33 -			print "\tlea\t" regs[1] ",[" regs[2] op args[2] "]"
    4.34 +		if (op != "" && regs[1] == args[1]) {
    4.35 +			if (isnum(args[2])) {
    4.36 +				print "\tlea\t" regs[1] ",[" regs[2] op args[2] "]"
    4.37 +				for (i = 0; i < kept; i++) print line[i]; kept=0
    4.38 +				next
    4.39 +			}
    4.40 +			line[kept++]=$0
    4.41 +			hold=1
    4.42  			next
    4.43  		}
    4.44  		if (/^	pop	[ds]i/ && regs[2] ~ /^[ds]i$/) {
    4.45  			print "	xchg	" r
    4.46  		}
    4.47 -		else print "\tmov\t" regs[1] "," regs[2]
    4.48 +		else print s
    4.49 +		for (i = 0; i < kept; i++) print line[i]; kept=0
    4.50  	}
    4.51  	else if (hold == 2) {
    4.52  		hold=0; split($2,args,","); print s
    4.53 @@ -52,6 +67,15 @@
    4.54  			print "	push	0"; print "	push	ax"; next
    4.55  		} else { print s }
    4.56  	}
    4.57 +	else if (hold == 5) {
    4.58 +		hold=0
    4.59 +		if ($1 == "jae" || $1 == "jb") {
    4.60 +			sub(/word ptr/,"byte ptr",s); sub(/x,/,"h,",s)
    4.61 +			sub(/\],/,"+1],",s) || sub(/,/,"+1,",s)
    4.62 +			s = s "/256"
    4.63 +		}
    4.64 +		print s
    4.65 +	}
    4.66  	else if (hold == 8) {
    4.67  		hold=0
    4.68  		if (/^	call	near ptr N_LXURSH@$/) {
    4.69 @@ -118,30 +142,29 @@
    4.70  			print "	and	" substr(args[1],2) "," args[2]; next
    4.71  		}
    4.72  	}
    4.73 -	if (/^	add	[bcd]x,/ || /^	sub	[bcd]x,/) {
    4.74 +	if (/^	add	word ptr/ || /^	sub	word ptr/ ||
    4.75 +	    /^	add	[abcd]x,/ || /^	sub	[abcd]x,/) {
    4.76  		split($0,args,",")
    4.77  		if (isnum(args[2]) && (args[2] % 256 == 0)) {
    4.78 -			sub(/x,/,"h,",s)
    4.79 +			sub(/word ptr/,"byte ptr",s); sub(/x,/,"h,",s)
    4.80 +			sub(/\],/,"+1],",s) || sub(/,/,"+1,",s)
    4.81  			print s "/256"; next
    4.82  		}
    4.83  	}
    4.84 -	if (/^	add	word ptr/ || /^	sub	word ptr/) {
    4.85 +	if (/^	add	dword ptr/ || /^	sub	dword ptr/ ||
    4.86 +	    /^	add	e[abcd]x,/ || /^	sub	e[abcd]x,/) {
    4.87  		split($0,args,",")
    4.88 -		if (isnum(args[2]) && (args[2] % 256 == 0)) {
    4.89 -			sub(/word/,"byte",s); sub(/\]/,"+1]",s)
    4.90 -			print s "/256"; next
    4.91 -		}
    4.92 -	}
    4.93 -	if (/^	add	dword ptr/ || /^	sub	dword ptr/) {
    4.94 -		split($0,args,",")
    4.95 -		if (args[2] == "large") { split(args[2],args," ") }
    4.96 +		if (args[2] == "large") { args[2] = $3 }
    4.97  		if (isnum(args[2])) {
    4.98  			if (args[2] % 16777216 == 0) {
    4.99 -				sub(/dword/,"byte",s); sub(/\]/,"+3]",s)
   4.100 +				sub(/dword/,"byte",s);
   4.101 +				sub(/	e/,"",s); sub(/x,/,"h,",s)
   4.102 +				sub(/\],/,"+3],",s) || sub(/,/,"+3,",s)
   4.103  				print s "/16777216"; next
   4.104  			}
   4.105  			if (args[2] % 65536 == 0) {
   4.106 -				sub(/dword/,"word",s); sub(/\]/,"+2]",s)
   4.107 +				sub(/dword/,"word",s); sub(/	e/,"",s)
   4.108 +				sub(/\],/,"+2],",s) || sub(/,/,"+2,",s)
   4.109  				print s "/65536"; next
   4.110  			}
   4.111  		}
     5.1 --- a/linux-mmc/receipt	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     5.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     5.3 @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
     5.4 -# SliTaz package receipt.
     5.5 -
     5.6 -PACKAGE="linux-mmc"
     5.7 -VERSION="3.16.55"
     5.8 -CATEGORY="base-system"
     5.9 -SHORT_DESC="The Linux kernel mmc modules (card reader)."
    5.10 -MAINTAINER="devel@slitaz.org"
    5.11 -LICENSE="GPL2"
    5.12 -DEPENDS="linux"
    5.13 -WANTED="linux"
    5.14 -WEB_SITE="https://www.kernel.org/"
    5.15 -
    5.16 -# Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    5.17 -genpkg_rules()
    5.18 -{
    5.19 -    local path
    5.20 -    path=lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz/kernel
    5.21 -    mkdir -p $fs/$path
    5.22 -    export src install
    5.23 -    $wanted_stuff/list_modules.sh drivers/mmc drivers/misc/tifm_7xx1.ko.xz | \
    5.24 -	while read module; do
    5.25 -    	dir=$path/$(dirname $module)
    5.26 -    	[ -d $fs/$dir ] || mkdir -p $fs/$dir
    5.27 -        cp -a $install/$path/$module $fs/$dir
    5.28 -    done
    5.29 -
    5.30 -    for i in $(cat $wanted_stuff/modules.list); do
    5.31 -        if [ -f $fs/$path/$i ]; then
    5.32 -	    rm -f $fs/$path/$i
    5.33 -	fi
    5.34 -    done
    5.35 -}
    5.36 -
    5.37 -# Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
    5.38 -post_install()
    5.39 -{
    5.40 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz
    5.41 -}
    5.42 -
    5.43 -post_remove()
    5.44 -{
    5.45 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz
    5.46 -}
    5.47 -
     6.1 --- a/linux/stuff/linux-slitaz.config	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     6.2 +++ b/linux/stuff/linux-slitaz.config	Sat Dec 01 11:07:58 2018 +0100
     6.3 @@ -1526,8 +1526,8 @@
     6.4  # CONFIG_IBM_ASM is not set
     6.5  # CONFIG_PHANTOM is not set
     6.6  # CONFIG_SGI_IOC4 is not set
     6.7 -CONFIG_TIFM_CORE=m
     6.8 -CONFIG_TIFM_7XX1=m
     6.9 +CONFIG_TIFM_CORE=y
    6.10 +CONFIG_TIFM_7XX1=y
    6.11  # CONFIG_ICS932S401 is not set
    6.12  # CONFIG_ENCLOSURE_SERVICES is not set
    6.13  # CONFIG_CS5535_MFGPT is not set
    6.14 @@ -4702,39 +4702,39 @@
    6.15  CONFIG_UWB_HWA=m
    6.16  CONFIG_UWB_WHCI=m
    6.17  CONFIG_UWB_I1480U=m
    6.18 -CONFIG_MMC=m
    6.19 +CONFIG_MMC=y
    6.20  # CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set
    6.21  # CONFIG_MMC_CLKGATE is not set
    6.23  #
    6.24  # MMC/SD/SDIO Card Drivers
    6.25  #
    6.26 -CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK=m
    6.27 +CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK=y
    6.30 -CONFIG_SDIO_UART=m
    6.31 +CONFIG_SDIO_UART=y
    6.32  # CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set
    6.34  #
    6.35  # MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers
    6.36  #
    6.37 -CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI=m
    6.39 +CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI=y
    6.41  # CONFIG_MMC_RICOH_MMC is not set
    6.42  # CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_ACPI is not set
    6.45  # CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_PXAV3 is not set
    6.46  # CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_PXAV2 is not set
    6.47 -CONFIG_MMC_WBSD=m
    6.48 -CONFIG_MMC_TIFM_SD=m
    6.50 -CONFIG_MMC_CB710=m
    6.52 -CONFIG_MMC_VUB300=m
    6.53 -CONFIG_MMC_USHC=m
    6.57 +CONFIG_MMC_WBSD=y
    6.58 +CONFIG_MMC_TIFM_SD=y
    6.60 +CONFIG_MMC_CB710=y
    6.62 +CONFIG_MMC_VUB300=y
    6.63 +CONFIG_MMC_USHC=y
    6.68  # CONFIG_MEMSTICK_DEBUG is not set
     7.1 --- a/linux/stuff/linux-slitaz.config64	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     7.2 +++ b/linux/stuff/linux-slitaz.config64	Sat Dec 01 11:07:58 2018 +0100
     7.3 @@ -1481,8 +1481,8 @@
     7.4  # CONFIG_IBM_ASM is not set
     7.5  # CONFIG_PHANTOM is not set
     7.6  # CONFIG_SGI_IOC4 is not set
     7.7 -CONFIG_TIFM_CORE=m
     7.8 -CONFIG_TIFM_7XX1=m
     7.9 +CONFIG_TIFM_CORE=y
    7.10 +CONFIG_TIFM_7XX1=y
    7.11  # CONFIG_ICS932S401 is not set
    7.12  # CONFIG_ENCLOSURE_SERVICES is not set
    7.13  # CONFIG_CS5535_MFGPT is not set
    7.14 @@ -4226,36 +4226,36 @@
    7.15  CONFIG_UWB_HWA=m
    7.16  CONFIG_UWB_WHCI=m
    7.17  CONFIG_UWB_I1480U=m
    7.18 -CONFIG_MMC=m
    7.19 +CONFIG_MMC=y
    7.20  # CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set
    7.21  # CONFIG_MMC_CLKGATE is not set
    7.23  #
    7.24  # MMC/SD/SDIO Card Drivers
    7.25  #
    7.26 -CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK=m
    7.27 +CONFIG_MMC_BLOCK=y
    7.30 -CONFIG_SDIO_UART=m
    7.31 +CONFIG_SDIO_UART=y
    7.32  # CONFIG_MMC_TEST is not set
    7.34  #
    7.35  # MMC/SD/SDIO Host Controller Drivers
    7.36  #
    7.37 -CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI=m
    7.39 +CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI=y
    7.41  # CONFIG_MMC_RICOH_MMC is not set
    7.42  # CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_ACPI is not set
    7.45  # CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_PXAV3 is not set
    7.46  # CONFIG_MMC_SDHCI_PXAV2 is not set
    7.47 -CONFIG_MMC_WBSD=m
    7.48 -CONFIG_MMC_TIFM_SD=m
    7.50 -CONFIG_MMC_CB710=m
    7.52 -CONFIG_MMC_VUB300=m
    7.53 -CONFIG_MMC_USHC=m
    7.54 +CONFIG_MMC_WBSD=y
    7.55 +CONFIG_MMC_TIFM_SD=y
    7.57 +CONFIG_MMC_CB710=y
    7.59 +CONFIG_MMC_VUB300=y
    7.60 +CONFIG_MMC_USHC=y
    7.61  # CONFIG_MMC_USDHI6ROL0 is not set
    7.63  # CONFIG_MEMSTICK_DEBUG is not set
     8.1 --- a/linux64-mmc/receipt	Fri Nov 30 15:12:24 2018 +0100
     8.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     8.3 @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
     8.4 -# SliTaz package receipt.
     8.5 -
     8.6 -PACKAGE="linux64-mmc"
     8.7 -VERSION="3.16.55"
     8.8 -CATEGORY="base-system"
     8.9 -SHORT_DESC="The Linux kernel mmc modules (card reader)."
    8.10 -MAINTAINER="devel@slitaz.org"
    8.11 -LICENSE="GPL2"
    8.12 -DEPENDS="linux64"
    8.13 -WANTED="linux"
    8.14 -PROVIDE="linux-mmc:linux64"
    8.15 -WEB_SITE="https://www.kernel.org/"
    8.16 -
    8.17 -# Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    8.18 -genpkg_rules()
    8.19 -{
    8.20 -    local path
    8.21 -    src=$WOK/linux64/source/tmp
    8.22 -    install=$install/linux64
    8.23 -    path=lib/modules/$VERSION-slitaz64/kernel
    8.24 -    mkdir -p $fs/$path
    8.25 -    export src
    8.26 -    export install
    8.27 -    $wanted_stuff/list_modules.sh drivers/mmc drivers/misc/tifm_7xx1.ko.xz | \
    8.28 -	while read module; do
    8.29 -    	dir=$path/$(dirname $module)
    8.30 -    	[ -d $fs/$dir ] || mkdir -p $fs/$dir
    8.31 -        cp -a $install/$path/$module $fs/$dir
    8.32 -    done
    8.33 -
    8.34 -    for i in $(cat $wanted_stuff/modules.list); do
    8.35 -        if [ -f $fs/$path/$i ]; then
    8.36 -	    rm -f $fs/$path/$i
    8.37 -	fi
    8.38 -    done
    8.39 -}
    8.40 -
    8.41 -# Post install/remove commands for Tazpkg.
    8.42 -post_install()
    8.43 -{
    8.44 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz64
    8.45 -}
    8.46 -
    8.47 -post_remove()
    8.48 -{
    8.49 -	chroot "$root/" depmod -a $VERSION-slitaz64
    8.50 -}
    8.51 -