wok-current rev 2279

mysql: add build_depends
author Pascal Bellard <pascal.bellard@slitaz.org>
date Thu Feb 19 10:56:32 2009 +0000 (2009-02-19)
parents c92b90a14744
children e9f7c28d8ec5
files mysql/receipt
line diff
     1.1 --- a/mysql/receipt	Thu Feb 19 10:16:00 2009 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/mysql/receipt	Thu Feb 19 10:56:32 2009 +0000
     1.3 @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
     1.4  WEB_SITE="http://www.mysql.com/"
     1.5  WGET_URL="http://mirrors.sunsite.dk/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/$TARBALL"
     1.6  DEPENDS="libmysqlclient mysql-client zlib slitaz-base-files"
     1.7 +BUILD_DEPENDS="busybox"
     1.8  CONFIG_FILES="/etc/my.cnf"
    1.10  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    1.11 @@ -55,16 +56,16 @@
    1.12  	# adduser mysql if needed
    1.13  	if ! grep -q mysql $1/etc/passwd; then
    1.14  		echo -n "Adding user mysql..."
    1.15 -		chroot $1/ adduser mysql -s /bin/false -H -D -S
    1.16 +		chroot $1/ /bin/adduser mysql -s /bin/false -H -D -S
    1.17  		status
    1.18  	fi
    1.19  	# addgroup mysql if needed
    1.20  	if ! grep -q mysql $1/etc/group; then
    1.21  		echo -n "Adding group mysql..."
    1.22 -		chroot $1/ addgroup mysql && addgroup mysql mysql
    1.23 +		chroot $1/ /bin/addgroup mysql && /bin/addgroup mysql mysql
    1.24  		status
    1.25  	fi
    1.26 -	chroot $1/ chown mysql.mysql $(cat $1/$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list)
    1.27 +	chroot $1/ /bin/chown mysql.mysql $(cat $1/$INSTALLED/$PACKAGE/files.list)
    1.28  	cat <<EOF
    1.29  ----
    1.30  To start $PACKAGE server you can run :