wok-next diff clutter/receipt @ rev 20780

GnuPG update: 2.1.21 (2017 May) -> 2.2.8 (CVE-2018-12020) -> GnuPG 2.2.x is the current stable branch of GnuPG
author Erkan Yilmaz <erkan@slitaz.org>
date Sat Jun 09 05:44:49 2018 +0000 (2018-06-09)
parents 835b3b8ce6ac
children f48456621a9d
line diff
     1.1 --- a/clutter/receipt	Fri Apr 13 07:14:16 2018 +0300
     1.2 +++ b/clutter/receipt	Sat Jun 09 05:44:49 2018 +0000
     1.3 @@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
     1.4  SHORT_DESC="Animated graphical user interfaces library"
     1.5  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
     1.6  LICENSE="LGPL2.1"
     1.7 -WEB_SITE="https://blogs.gnome.org/clutter/"
     1.8 +WEB_SITE="https://developer.gnome.org/clutter/"
     1.9  LFS="http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/stable/x/clutter.html"
    1.11  TARBALL="$PACKAGE-$VERSION.tar.xz"
    1.14  BUILD_DEPENDS="glib-dev cogl-dev atk-dev json-glib-dev \
    1.15 -gobject-introspection-dev gettext"
    1.16 +gobject-introspection-dev gettext pango-dev"
    1.17  SPLIT="clutter-dev"
    1.19  compile_rules() {
    1.20 @@ -32,26 +32,14 @@
    1.21  	case $PACKAGE in
    1.22  		clutter)
    1.23  			copy @std
    1.24 -			DEPENDS="atk bzlib cairo cogl expat fontconfig freetype gdk-pixbuf \
    1.25 -			glib json-glib libatomic libdrm libffi libharfbuzz liblzma \
    1.26 -			libpng16 libxml2 mesa-libegl mesa-libgbm mesa-libwayland-egl \
    1.27 -			pango pcre util-linux-blkid util-linux-mount util-linux-uuid \
    1.28 -			wayland xorg-libX11 xorg-libXau xorg-libxcb xorg-libXcomposite \
    1.29 -			xorg-libXdamage xorg-libXdmcp xorg-libXext xorg-libXfixes \
    1.30 -			xorg-libXrandr xorg-libXrender xorg-libxshmfence xorg-pixman zlib"
    1.31 +			DEPENDS="atk cairo cogl fontconfig glib json-glib pango \
    1.32 +			xorg-libX11 xorg-libXcomposite xorg-libXdamage"
    1.33  			;;
    1.34  		*-dev)
    1.35  			copy @dev
    1.36 -			DEPENDS="clutter atk-dev bzip2-dev cairo-dev cogl-dev expat-dev \
    1.37 -			fontconfig-dev freetype-dev gdk-pixbuf-dev glib-dev harfbuzz-dev \
    1.38 -			json-glib-dev libdrm-dev libffi-dev libpng16-dev libxml2-dev \
    1.39 -			mesa-dev pango-dev pcre-dev util-linux-blkid-dev \
    1.40 -			util-linux-mount-dev util-linux-uuid-dev wayland-dev \
    1.41 -			xorg-libX11-dev xorg-libXau-dev xorg-libxcb-dev \
    1.42 -			xorg-libXcomposite-dev xorg-libXdamage-dev xorg-libXdmcp-dev \
    1.43 -			xorg-libXext-dev xorg-libXfixes-dev xorg-libXrandr-dev \
    1.44 -			xorg-libXrender-dev xorg-libxshmfence-dev xorg-pixman-dev xz-dev \
    1.45 -			zlib-dev"
    1.46 +			DEPENDS="clutter atk-dev cairo-dev cogl-dev glib-dev json-glib-dev \
    1.47 +			pango-dev xorg-libX11-dev xorg-libXcomposite-dev \
    1.48 +			xorg-libXdamage-dev xorg-libXext-dev"
    1.49  			;;
    1.50  	esac
    1.51  }