wok-next diff ntfs-3g/receipt @ rev 19816

gstreamer0, gst0-* are for version 0.10; while gstreamer1, gst1-* are for version 1.0; up gparted and all its suggested dependencies...
author Aleksej Bobylev <al.bobylev@gmail.com>
date Thu Jul 27 00:56:44 2017 +0300 (2017-07-27)
parents 9e01bc6321ea
children e44a1a92452b
line diff
     1.1 --- a/ntfs-3g/receipt	Sun Dec 20 15:13:45 2015 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/ntfs-3g/receipt	Thu Jul 27 00:56:44 2017 +0300
     1.3 @@ -1,55 +1,70 @@
     1.4 -# SliTaz package receipt.
     1.5 +# SliTaz package receipt v2.
     1.7  PACKAGE="ntfs-3g"
     1.8 -VERSION="2014.2.15"
     1.9 +VERSION="2017.3.23"
    1.10  CATEGORY="system-tools"
    1.11 -SHORT_DESC="Read/write NTFS driver for FUSE"
    1.12 +SHORT_DESC="Read/write NTFS driver"
    1.13  MAINTAINER="pankso@slitaz.org"
    1.14 -LICENSE="GPL2"
    1.15 -SOURCE="ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs"
    1.16 -TARBALL="$SOURCE-$VERSION.tgz"
    1.17 -WEB_SITE="http://tuxera.com/opensource"
    1.19 -CONFIG_FILES="/etc/filesystems"
    1.20 -TAGS="windows"
    1.21 +LICENSE="GPL2 LGPL2"
    1.22 +WEB_SITE="https://www.tuxera.com/community/open-source-ntfs-3g/"
    1.24 -DEPENDS="fuse attr"
    1.25 -BUILD_DEPENDS="fuse-dev attr-dev"
    1.26 +TARBALL="ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-$VERSION.tgz"
    1.27 +WGET_URL="https://tuxera.com/opensource/$TARBALL"
    1.28 +
    1.29 +BUILD_DEPENDS="util-linux-uuid-dev libtool"
    1.30 +SPLIT="ntfsprogs ntfsprogs-extra ntfs-3g ntfs-3g-dev"
    1.32  # Rules to configure and make the package.
    1.33  compile_rules()
    1.34  {
    1.35 -	./configure --prefix=/usr \
    1.36 -	--disable-static \
    1.37 -	--with-fuse=internal \
    1.38 -	--mandir=/usr/share/man $CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    1.39 +	# http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/stable/postlfs/ntfs-3g.html
    1.40 +
    1.41 +	touch $src/libtoolT
    1.42 +
    1.43 +	./configure \
    1.44 +		--enable-extras \
    1.45 +		$CONFIGURE_ARGS &&
    1.46  	make &&
    1.47 -	make DESTDIR=$DESTDIR install
    1.48 +	mkdir -p $install/lib &&
    1.49 +	make install &&
    1.50 +
    1.51 +	mkdir -p $install/etc && touch $install/etc/filesystems &&
    1.52 +	#this link allow udisks2 to use ntfs-3g
    1.53 +	ln -s mount.ntfs-3g $install/sbin/mount.ntfs
    1.54  }
    1.56  # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    1.57  genpkg_rules()
    1.58  {
    1.59 -	mkdir -p $fs/lib $fs/usr/lib $fs/etc $fs/sbin $fs/usr/bin
    1.60 -	cp -a $install/bin $fs/
    1.61 -	cp -a $install/sbin/*-3g $fs/sbin
    1.62 -	cp -a $install/lib/*-3g.so* $fs/lib
    1.63 -	cp -a $install/usr/lib/*-3g.so* $fs/usr/lib
    1.64 -	cp -a $install/usr/bin/*-3g* $fs/usr/bin
    1.65 -	touch $fs/etc/filesystems
    1.66 -	#this link allow udisks2 to use ntfs-3g
    1.67 -	cd $fs/sbin
    1.68 -	ln -s mount.ntfs-3g mount.ntfs
    1.69 +	TAGS="windows"
    1.70 +	case $PACKAGE in
    1.71 +		ntfsprogs)
    1.72 +			copy mkfs.ntfs mkntfs ntfscat ntfsclone ntfscluster ntfscmp ntfscp \
    1.73 +			ntfsfix ntfsinfo ntfslabel ntfsls ntfsresize ntfsundelete
    1.74 +			CAT="system-tools|ntfsprogs utilities"
    1.75 +			DEPENDS="ntfs-3g util-linux-uuid"
    1.76 +			;;
    1.77 +		*-extra)
    1.78 +			copy ntfsrecover ntfssecaudit ntfstruncate ntfsusermap ntfswipe
    1.79 +			CAT="system-tools|extra ntfsprogs utilities"
    1.80 +			DEPENDS="ntfs-3g"
    1.81 +			;;
    1.82 +		ntfs-3g)
    1.83 +			copy @std
    1.84 +			remove_already_packed
    1.85 +			CONFIG_FILES="/etc/filesystems"
    1.86 +			;;
    1.87 +		*-dev)
    1.88 +			copy @dev
    1.89 +			PROVIDE="ntfsprogs-dev"
    1.90 +			;;
    1.91 +	esac
    1.92  }
    1.94 -# Pre remove and post install commands for Tazpkg.
    1.95 -pre_remove()
    1.96 -{
    1.97 +post_install_ntfs_3g() {
    1.98 +	grep -qs ^$PACKAGE$ "$1/etc/filesystems" || \
    1.99 +	echo  "$PACKAGE" >> "$1/etc/filesystems"
   1.100 +}
   1.101 +pre_remove_ntfs_3g() {
   1.102  	sed -i '/^$PACKAGE$/d' "$1/etc/filesystems"
   1.103  }
   1.104 -
   1.105 -post_install()
   1.106 -{
   1.107 -	grep -qs ^$PACKAGE$ "$1/etc/filesystems" || \
   1.108 -		echo "$PACKAGE" >> "$1/etc/filesystems"
   1.109 -}