- Up libpfm (4.8.0)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Up lxc (2.1.1)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Up warzone2100; add pulse; tiny edits for fresh *-pam changes2017-11-08, by Aleksej Bobylev
- dcmtk: add patch2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- polkit: missing file2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove polkit-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove slim-pam sudo-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove pure-ftpd-pam, screen-pam, screen-terminfo2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove ppp-dev, ppp-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove perdition-dev, perdition-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- openssh: typo ??2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- openssh: typo2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- cyrus-sasl: typos2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove netatalk-pam, partimage-pam, openssh-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove cyrus-sasl-pam, libsasl-without-ldap, enlightenment-pam, enlightenment-backgrounds, libcap-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- samba: typo2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Up cups, samba, warzone21002017-11-08, by Aleksej Bobylev
- remove samba-pam (again)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove samba-pam (again)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove samba-pam (again, thank Aleksej)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove samba-pam (again)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove samba-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Update cups (thanks Aleksej)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- cups: typo2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Update phproxy2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- remove cups-pam2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Up samba-pam (4.6.7)2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- inkscape: update depends2017-11-08, by Aleksej Bobylev
- redshift: update bdeps2017-11-08, by Pascal Bellard
- inkscape; update deps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- xfmedia: update bdeps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up tuxpaint (0.9.22)2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- s/libexo/exo/ deps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up vice (3.1), webalizer (2.23-08)2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up Wesnoth (1.12.6)2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- xsave: update bdeps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up sdcc (3.6.0)2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- dosbox-mb, matchbox-window-manager-2: tiny patch2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- ecm: tiny patch2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up linux-cloop (4.12) again2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up linux-cloop (4.12) again2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up linux-cloop (4.12) again2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up linux-cloop (4.12)2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Rethink $EXTRAVERSION: aufs, broadcom-wl, dahdi-linux, iptables, linux-cloop, ndiswrapper-driver, nvidia-173xx, nvidia-96xx, open-vm-tools-kernel, spl; typo: mygestures; fix build & v2: lucene++2017-11-07, by Aleksej Bobylev
- jwm, lockdis: update bdeps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- lincity-ng: update deps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- mingw32-*: update post_install2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- libnfc-dev: update deps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- update some bdeps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- update some bdeps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Update bdeps: apache-mod-perl, codeblocks, tacacs+, thunar-archive-plugin, tuxpaint, xpenguins2017-11-07, by Aleksej Bobylev
- update some bdeps2017-11-07, by Pascal Bellard
- Up R (3.4.2)2017-11-07, by Aleksej Bobylev
- xplanet: use patches2017-11-06, by Aleksej Bobylev
- linux-cloop: tiny patch (again)2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- linux-cloop: tiny patch (again)2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- linux-cloop: tiny patch (again)2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- Add Qt5 applications: notes, qtav, miam-player2017-11-06, by Aleksej Bobylev
- linux-cloop: tiny patch2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- Up fluidsynth, libsdl2-mixer, libsdl2-net, libsdl2-ttf, add libsmpeg22017-11-06, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up linux-cloop (3.14)2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- update some bdeps2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- enna, libsdl2-ttf, linphone: update bdeps2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- Up libsdl2, libsdl2-image, libsdl2-mixer2017-11-06, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up graphviz2017-11-06, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up cookutils (1002), ladspa (v2), liblo (0.29), hydrogen, svgcleaner; add svgcleaner-gui2017-11-06, by Aleksej Bobylev
- update some bdeps2017-11-06, by Pascal Bellard
- gesftpserver, icewm-xdgmenu, man2html: update bdeps2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- gesftpserver, glade-perl, icewm-xdgmenu: update bdeps2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- Up smplayer (17.11.0)2017-11-05, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up inkscape and it's deps:2017-11-05, by Aleksej Bobylev
- luufs, lxpolkit, mcrypt: update bdeps2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- memtest: typo2017-11-05, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up pyopenssl (17.3.0)2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- Up yp-tools (4.2.2)2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- memtest: shrink2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- cowpatty: race condition2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- libnfc: receipt v22017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- backintime, bleachbit, boxbackup-server, dansguardian, fox14: update bdeps2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- rsync, x11vnc, xautomation, xinput-calibrator, xlockmore: update bdeps2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- xchat: update bdeps2017-11-05, by Pascal Bellard
- directfb: add libpng patch2017-11-04, by Pascal Bellard
- Up consonance (0.5.1)2017-11-04, by Pascal Bellard
- Add cinepaint-stable (1.0-4)2017-11-04, by Aleksej Bobylev
- tzdata: fix docs2017-11-04, by Aleksej Bobylev
- cinepaint: add png patch2017-11-04, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: tzdata (2017c), udns (0.4, v2)2017-11-04, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Fix and recook packages that depends on its own.2017-11-04, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up PyQt-x11-gpl (4.12.1)2017-11-04, by Pascal Bellard
- Up cookutils (998), xfce4-terminal (forgot to update last time)2017-11-04, by Aleksej Bobylev
- libjreen: update bdeps2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- qca: tiny patch2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- gst0-plugins-ugly: add cdio-cd-text-api patch2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- libgnomeprint: typo2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- libgnomeprint: add bison 3 patch2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Up firmware (fix some multiline or empty descriptions), gettext, gtk-theme-blackbird, libmpd, libmpdclient, openbox & openbox-max (keep default Clearlooks theme), xfce4-icon-theme, xfce4-taskmanager, xfmpc. terminal -> xfce4-terminal, xfce4-ristretto -> ristretto (weird, but we agreed to call packages according to sources tarballs).2017-11-03, by Aleksej Bobylev
- linld: updates from rolling2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux: updates from rolling2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Up minetest (0.4.16)2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- lirc: update bdeps2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Up irrlicht (1.8.4)2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Up lirc (0.9.4d)2017-11-03, by Pascal Bellard
- mesa17: add libatomic to build deps2017-11-03, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- mesa17: up bdeps2017-11-03, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up wayland-protocols (1.11)2017-11-03, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up mesa17 (17.2.4)2017-11-03, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- collectd-apache: fix wget_url2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- gpm: typo2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Restore gmp, fix gpm2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- abiword, apache, connman, elementary, evince, ffmpeg, go, mono: receipt v22017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up llvm (5.0.0)2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up jpeg (9b)2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- qt5, mesa17 : split more, up deps.2017-11-02, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- lzma, llvm, libwrap, jpeg, gucharmap: receipt v22017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- opencc: fix wget_url2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up ocsinventory (2.2) opencc (0.4.3)2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- sctp-tools: update wget_url2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Up sctp-tools (1.0.17), sg3_utils (1.42), squid (3.5.27), strigi (0.7.8), unixODBC (2.3.4), vcdimager (0.7.24)2017-11-02, by Pascal Bellard
- gcc: split libatomic (thanks alanyih)2017-11-02, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up gigolo, mousepad, orage, parole, xfburn, xfce4-mixer, xfce4-notifyd, xfce4-session, xfce4-settings, xfdesktop, xfwm4; add ristretto, xfce4-battery-plugin, xfce4-dict, xfce4-screenshooter.2017-11-02, by Aleksej Bobylev
- qtstyleplugins: up (b)deps2017-11-01, by Xander Ziiryanoff