- Up centerim (5.0.1), add libpurple2017-10-31, by Pascal Bellard
- cryptkeeper: update patch2017-10-31, by Pascal Bellard
- libsasl-without-ldap, cyrus-sasl-pam: remove autoconf2017-10-31, by Pascal Bellard
- cyrus-sasl-pam: typo2017-10-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Up libsasl-without-ldap, cyrus-sasl-pam: (2.1.26)2017-10-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Up exo, garcon, gtk-xfce-engine, libxfce4ui, libxfce4util, thunar, thunar-volman, tumbler, xfce4-appfinder, xfce4-dev-tools, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfconf; add libopenraw, xfce4-power-manager.2017-10-31, by Aleksej Bobylev
- ufraw: receipt v2 (again)2017-10-30, by Pascal Bellard
- ufraw: receipt v22017-10-30, by Pascal Bellard
- libgtkimageview: add debian patches2017-10-30, by Pascal Bellard
- gimp: receipt v22017-10-30, by Pascal Bellard
- stellarium: update bdeps2017-10-30, by Pascal Bellard
- Up xdelta3 (3.1.0)2017-10-30, by Pascal Bellard
- Add some bdeps2017-10-30, by Pascal Bellard
- Up py3k (3.6.3); py3k, py3k3: receipts v.22017-10-30, by Aleksej Bobylev
- glade: typo; disable zip recompression for python, py3k, py3k3.2017-10-30, by Aleksej Bobylev
- spandsp: race condition2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Add some bdeps2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up glade3, json-glib, libgee, font-manager, liberation-fonts; add glade, liberation-classic-fonts, python-distutils-extra.2017-10-30, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up giac (1.4.9)2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up aircrack-ng, aircrack-ng-oui, faad2, libxfce4util, xfconf; add brisk-menu, mate-menu, libb2, gtkhash, openssl11 (openssl-1.1)2017-10-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- feh: update bdeps2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- distcc: receipt v22017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up cgal (4.11)2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up bullet (2.87)2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up amule (2.3.2)2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up audacity (2.1.3)2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Up spandsp (0.0.6)2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- s/sqlite/sqlite3/2017-10-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Update some bdeps.2017-10-29, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Move existing MATE receipts to mate116/stuff (for those who need to update them to v.1.16 w/GTK+2). Update/add whole MATE desktop to current stable v.1.18.2017-10-28, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Update/add packages needed for building MATE desktop:2017-10-28, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up cookutils (989)2017-10-28, by Aleksej Bobylev
- mate-notification-daemon -> mate-notification-daemon-gtk22017-10-28, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up opal (3.10.10)2017-10-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Up ptlib (2.10.11)2017-10-28, by Pascal Bellard
- wpa_supplicant: security fix for KRACK (thanks mojo)2017-10-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Up dahdi-tools (2.11.1) again2017-10-27, by Pascal Bellard
- Up dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2.11.1) again2017-10-27, by Pascal Bellard
- Up dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2.11.1)2017-10-27, by Pascal Bellard
- qt5: add sse patch2017-10-26, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- emacs: make receipt less complicated - all files are packaged now - fix it if something bad happens.2017-10-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- gst1-plugins-good: receipt v22017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- gst1-plugins-good: receipt v22017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up clementine2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- emacs-lisp-sources: fix paths2017-10-25, by Pascal Bellard
- fix2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up emacs (2.53)2017-10-25, by Pascal Bellard
- Add qtstyleplugins2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Add qtstyleplugins2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up gf2x (1.2), net6: tiny patch2017-10-25, by Pascal Bellard
- tiny edit2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up dooble, smtube2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up dooble, smtube2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up dooble, smtube2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up qtweb, smtube, mesa-demos2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- qtwebkit, mesa-demos: up compile_rules / (b)deps2017-10-25, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- qtwebkit : up compile_rules2017-10-24, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up libcanberra (gtk2 and gtk3 support), vala (0.36.4), dconf (0.26.0), gucharmap3 (10.0.0), pycairo (1.15.3), pygobject3 (3.26.0), libgtop. Add dconf-editor, gtksourceview3.2017-10-24, by Aleksej Bobylev
- zenity -> zenity-gtk2 (2.32.1); up zenity (3.24.0); add zenity+webkit2 (3.24.0).2017-10-24, by Aleksej Bobylev
- qtwebkit : up compile_rules2017-10-24, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- matchbox-window-manager: update bdeps2017-10-24, by Pascal Bellard