- Add perl-lwp-useragent2009-01-23, by Pascal Bellard
- Up usbip (0.1.7)2009-01-23, by Pascal Bellard
- audacious-plugins: update BUILD_DEPENDS2009-01-23, by Pascal Bellard
- smbclient: update DEPENDS2009-01-23, by Pascal Bellard
- ensure to use the right linux version2009-01-22, by Pascal Bellard
- kqemu: ensure to use the right linux version2009-01-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: xorg-iceauth2009-01-21, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add socat2009-01-21, by Pascal Bellard
- Up lua (5.1.4), thanks mimas2009-01-21, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: perl-uri-file, perl-uri-escape, perl-uri-url2009-01-20, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up vte-terminal (0.19.4)2009-01-20, by Pascal Bellard
- fix WEB_SITE2009-01-20, by Pascal Bellard
- fix CATEGORY2009-01-20, by Pascal Bellard
- slim: backup config if exist (mainly keep screen config when upgrade)2009-01-17, by Christophe Lincoln
- gtk+: (build)depends on libgio2009-01-17, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: xine-lib (, by Christophe Lincoln
- up: flex (2.5.35)2009-01-17, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: ethtool2009-01-17, by Paul Issott
- Add: snownews2009-01-17, by Paul Issott
- sqlite: --disable-readline2009-01-17, by Christophe Lincoln
- aufs* + kqemu: fix maintainer (for stats)2009-01-17, by Christophe Lincoln
- libiconv*: fix maintainer (for stats)2009-01-17, by Christophe Lincoln
- audacious*: fix maintainer (for stats) + clean receipt2009-01-17, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: sqlite (3.6.10)2009-01-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: midori (0.1.2)2009-01-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: webkit-r (39953)2009-01-16, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: pidgin (2.5.4)2009-01-15, by Christophe Lincoln
- cairo: back to 1.8.4 or pango/gtk+ will not build2009-01-14, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: cairo (1.8.6)2009-01-13, by Fabrice THIROUX
- get-flash-plugin: only flash-plugin depends on curl2009-01-11, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: pngcrush (1.6.13)2009-01-10, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Add: Exif, cmd line to read exif datas2009-01-10, by Pierre-Jean Fichet
- Nail: avoid compiling with kerberos (krb5)2009-01-10, by Pierre-Jean Fichet
- get-flash-plugin: Fix crash issue - Add DEPENDS on curl2009-01-10, by Julien Rabier
- Fix get-flash-plugin, v10 need curl.2009-01-10, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: lzip2009-01-10, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Add: audacious, audacious-dev, audacious-plugins2009-01-09, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Add: libmowgli & libmowgli-dev2009-01-09, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Add: libmcs & libmcs-dev2009-01-09, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Add: lftp2009-01-09, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Add: le2009-01-09, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Up: enlightenment (0.16.999.050) - Snapshot 2008-09-252009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: efreet ( - Snapshot 2008-09-252009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: edje ( - Snapshot 2008-09-252009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: embryo ( - Snapshot 2008-09-252009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: ecore ( - Snapshot 2008-09-252009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: evas ( - Snapshot 2008-09-252009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: eet (1.1.0)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add: libtorrent, libtorrent-dev, rtorrent2009-01-08, by Fabrice THIROUX
- Up: asunder (1.6.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: lame (3.98.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: flac (1.2.1)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: cdparanoia-III (10.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: gpicview (0.1.11)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: transmission (0.42)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: rsync (3.0.5)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: rp-pppoe (3.10)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: pidgin (2.5.3)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: links (2.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: grsync (0.6.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: curl (7.19.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: xpad (3.0)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: sakura (2.3.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: vte (0.19.4)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: gtk+ (2.14.7)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: pango (1.22.4)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: glib (1.18.3) + libgio2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: cairo (1.8.4)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: pixman (0.13.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: xterm (238)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: leafpad (0.8.16)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: isomaster (1.3.5)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: cdrkit (1.1.9)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: galculator (1.3.2)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: sqlite (3.6.7)2009-01-08, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix: compcache typos2009-01-06, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: xrick CATEGORY2009-01-06, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: libnotify-dev typo.2009-01-06, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: udev rules missing in /etc/ude/rules.d2009-01-06, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: libnotify, libnotify-dev, xchat thanks Fabrice.2009-01-05, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix CATEGORY field2009-01-05, by Julien Rabier
- Add: pysqlite2009-01-04, by Pierre-Jean Fichet
- sqlite: add options needed by pysqlite2009-01-04, by Pierre-Jean Fichet
- Add: urxvt-full2009-01-04, by Pierre-Jean Fichet
- Add: urxvt2009-01-04, by Pierre-Jean Fichet
- freeradius-dialupadmin: fix apache config2009-01-04, by Pascal Bellard
- Openldap; typo in start script2009-01-04, by Pascal Bellard
- webalizer: start only if never run before2009-01-04, by Pascal Bellard
- webalizer: update /etc/init.d/local.sh2009-01-04, by Pascal Bellard
- adduser/addgroup depends on slitaz-base-files2009-01-03, by Pascal Bellard
- compcache: use /etc/compache.conf2009-01-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Add compcache2009-01-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Get-wifi-firmware: add iwlwifi* support2009-01-03, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: mutt-1.5.182009-01-03, by Julien Rabier
- Lostirc : fix default nick issue2009-01-02, by Julien Rabier
- lilo: update depends2009-01-02, by Pascal Bellard
- Add lilo2009-01-02, by Pascal Bellard
- clamav: update depends2009-01-02, by Paul Issott
- openldap: external init script support2009-01-01, by Pascal Bellard
- pgsql: external init script support2009-01-01, by Pascal Bellard
- mysql: external init script support2009-01-01, by Pascal Bellard
- rp-pppoe: fix id path2009-01-01, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-loram*:up date depends2009-01-01, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-loram-http: add urliso= cmdline parameter2008-12-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Lbreakout2: update depends2008-12-31, by Pascal Bellard
- nscd: add /var/db2008-12-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Openldap: wait 2 seconds after slapd start2008-12-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Lbreakout2: update depends2008-12-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Add lbreakout22008-12-31, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: slitaz-tools (2.8.1) Minor fix and translation2008-12-31, by Christophe Lincoln
- Add xrick (Rick Dangerous).2008-12-30, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- libkrb5: fix path2008-12-30, by Pascal Bellard
- nscd: add /usr/bin/getent2008-12-30, by Pascal Bellard
- Add dnsmasq2008-12-30, by Pascal Bellard
- Ajaxterm: update urls2008-12-29, by Pascal Bellard
- Add ajaxterm2008-12-29, by Pascal Bellard
- tazndis, fix load_ndiswrapper2008-12-28, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add pam_ldap2008-12-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Add pam2008-12-28, by Pascal Bellard
- nscd: chmod +x /etc/init.d/nscd2008-12-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Add nss_ldap2008-12-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Add nscd2008-12-28, by Pascal Bellard
- Up tazndis 1.53.12008-12-28, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- ndiswrapper, change category.2008-12-28, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- tazndis, don't modify system files in debug mode.2008-12-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- tazndis, Ask for starting at boot timeadd. Add CHANGELOG file.2008-12-27, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- slitaz-tools, tazlito: new WGET_URL2008-12-26, by Pascal Bellard
- Up tazlito (1.9)2008-12-26, by Pascal Bellard
- Up slitaz-boot-scripts (2.6.1)2008-12-26, by Pascal Bellard
- Up slitaz-tools (2.8)2008-12-26, by Pascal Bellard
- get-wifi-firmware: typo in rt61 support2008-12-26, by Pascal Bellard
- get-wifi-firmware: add rt61 support2008-12-26, by Pascal Bellard
- Sylpheed upgrade to 2.6.02008-12-25, by hacker
- Linux: fix lzma initrd decompression2008-12-25, by Pascal Bellard
- Squashfs: avoid a warning during build2008-12-24, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-loram: use gzip compression2008-12-24, by Pascal Bellard
- Squashfs: add lzma support2008-12-24, by Pascal Bellard
- transmission-web: we dont need a web server, standalone: http://localhost:90912008-12-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: slitaz-configs (2.5) - New artwork for cooking2008-12-24, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up memtest (2.11)2008-12-24, by Pascal Bellard
- ntpclient: do not reset crontab2008-12-24, by Pascal Bellard
- Try to explain mysterious SELF_INSTALL variable2008-12-23, by Pascal Bellard
- volatile.cpio.gz in receipt is incompatible with tazpkg stuff2008-12-23, by Pascal Bellard
- Openldap: reconfigure ldap applications2008-12-23, by Pascal Bellard
- Apache: reconfigure web applications2008-12-23, by Pascal Bellard
- Add php-auth-sasl2008-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Asterisk: add setup-rules for postgresql2008-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add perl-digest-sha12008-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add perl-net-ssleay2008-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add perl-unicode-map82008-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add perl-unicode-maputf82008-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Add perl-unicode-string2008-12-22, by Pascal Bellard
- aircrack-ng : Fix DEPENDS2008-12-22, by Julien Rabier
- Add glibc-extra-samba (3): fix mkdir2008-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- Add glibc-extra-samba (2)2008-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- Add glibc-extra-samba2008-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- tazndis, update rcS.conf and load ndiswrapper module.2008-12-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- linux: buggy modules.dep workaround2008-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- tazndis: add symlink to ndiswrapper2008-12-21, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- linux/gztazmod.sh: avoid .gz.gz suffix on rebuild2008-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- apache,lighttpd*: update CONFIG_FILES2008-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- apache,lighttpd*: ensure only one web server is running2008-12-21, by Pascal Bellard
- linux-wireless : little typo2008-12-20, by Julien Rabier
- linux-wireless: update DEPENDS.2008-12-20, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- linux/initramfs: tiny fix2008-12-20, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: input-utils (input layer tools)2008-12-20, by Dominique Corbex
- emacs: typo fix in receipt2008-12-20, by Dominique Corbex
- boxbackup: typo fix2008-12-20, by Dominique Corbex
- kismet: conf files kept on upgrade2008-12-20, by Dominique Corbex
- linux/initramfs: early desallocate input buffer for none and gzip compression too2008-12-20, by Pascal Bellard
- ndiswrapper: Update DEPENDS2008-12-20, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- tazndis: fix DPENDS2008-12-20, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- wireless-tools: Move DEPENDS to SUGGESTED.2008-12-19, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- tazndis: fix dirname error.2008-12-19, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- get-wifi-firmware: add rt732008-12-19, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-loram*: aufs wierdness2008-12-18, by Pascal Bellard
- udev: add BUILD_WARNING about hal2008-12-18, by Pascal Bellard
- Pmount: add CONFIG_FILES2008-12-18, by Pascal Bellard
- Add pmount2008-12-18, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-loram*: force branch access type for aufs2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- aufs: fix kernel module path2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- aufs, ndiswrapper-driver : compress kernel module2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- slitaz-loram*: add aufs support2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- aufs-module: fix WEB_SITE2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- aufs*: use squashfs naming convention2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Add cromfs-or-squashfs2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Gparted: add desktop icon2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Add ivman2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Up udev (135)2008-12-17, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: dbus-glib-dev (0.74 => 0.78)2008-12-17, by Mallory MOLLO
- Up: dbus-glib (0.74 => 0.78)2008-12-17, by Mallory MOLLO
- Fix typos in receipts - DEPENDS not DEPENS2008-12-17, by Julien Rabier
- Fix BUILD_DEPENDS and little hack for amsn2008-12-17, by Julien Rabier
- tazndis: Fix Usage().2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- tls: Fix DEPENDS & BUILD_DEPENDS.2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: tcl-dev, tk, tk-dev.2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up tcl, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Cleanup tck/tk packages.2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: amsn DEPENDS.2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up subversion (1.5.4)2008-12-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Up neon (0.28.3)2008-12-16, by Pascal Bellard
- neon: add ssl support2008-12-16, by Pascal Bellard
- Fix: tls DEPENDS.2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: amsn, tls.2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add wifidog (gateway side)2008-12-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: tcl6.5*, tk8.5*.2008-12-16, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Udpcast: fix genpkg2008-12-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Add udpcast2008-12-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Up tazpkg (2.6.1)2008-12-15, by Pascal Bellard
- Up wine-dev (1.0.1)2008-12-15, by Pascal Bellard
- keep tazwok clean from deleting wok/portaudio2008-12-15, by root
- Add: mirage (image viewer)2008-12-14, by Paul Issott
- Cleanup ndiswrapper.2008-12-14, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: revert to original receipt. sorry.2008-12-14, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix: sudo, keep pr?vious sudoers file.2008-12-14, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: ndiswrapper-driver, end of split.2008-12-14, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Add: tazndis, replacement for ndiswrapper util.2008-12-14, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Fix DEPENDS for mencoder2008-12-14, by Julien Rabier
- get-xnviewmp: clean install directory2008-12-13, by Julien Rabier
- Up x11vnc (0.9.6)2008-12-13, by Pascal Bellard
- gnutls-dev: add /usr/lib/pkgconfig2008-12-13, by Pascal Bellard
- pygtk: fix perm2008-12-13, by Pascal Bellard
- Add : get-xnviewmp2008-12-13, by Julien Rabier
- webalizer: add post_install2008-12-11, by Pascal Bellard
- transmission-web: configure lighttpd & apache2008-12-11, by Pascal Bellard
- nvidia*: ash compatible, no hardcoded kernel version2008-12-11, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: transmission-web (web interface) + transmission-cli (command line)2008-12-11, by Christophe Lincoln
- transmission: clean-up receipt2008-12-11, by Christophe Lincoln
- curl: --disable-ldap2008-12-11, by Christophe Lincoln
- Fix PROVIDE for nvidia-glx/mesa libgl conflict2008-12-11, by Bill Nagel
- Add nvidia,nvidia-glx,nvidia-settings2008-12-10, by Bill Nagel
- Up: alsa-utils 1.0.18. xmlto no more needed.2008-12-10, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- slitaz-loram: depends on cromfs-or-squashfs2008-12-10, by Pascal Bellard
- php-*: fix post_install2008-12-10, by Pascal Bellard
- Add php-odbc2008-12-10, by Pascal Bellard
- encfs: fix BUILD_DEPENDS2008-12-09, by Pascal Bellard
- dbus: fix compile_rules2008-12-09, by Pascal Bellard
- alsa-utils: back to 1.0.17 (1.0.18 needs xmlto/docbook), we see after release2008-12-09, by Christophe Lincoln
- Up: fuse (2.7.4) (fixes fusermount unmount)2008-12-09, by Bill Nagel
- Add encfs2008-12-09, by Bill Nagel
- Add rlog2008-12-09, by Bill Nagel