- linux-cloop; normalyze device names2015-03-25, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: cacerts (20150325)2015-03-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up: netsurf (3.3)2015-03-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- webkit-r: Fix build2015-03-25, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: nano (2.4.0)2015-03-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up gparted (0.22.0)2015-03-25, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux/taziso: create a fat32 in partition 1 or 22015-03-25, by Pascal Bellard
- Add firmware-rtlnic2015-03-25, by Richard Dunbar
- linux: ethernet drivers as modules2015-03-25, by Richard Dunbar
- Up: tazpkg (5.3.5)2015-03-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Fix TazPanel menu: change cups stuff, up tazinst and tazinst-gui (3.98), up tazlito (5.2.7).2015-03-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- tazpanel: try to up to 1.8.42015-03-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up: slitaz-boot-scripts (5.7.1)2015-03-25, by Aleksej Bobylev
- epdfview: fix rendering of embedded images2015-03-24, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Add: perl-template-toolkit - Template::Toolkit2015-03-24, by Nathan Neulinger
- Add: perl-appconfig - AppConfig2015-03-24, by Nathan Neulinger
- Add: perl-json - JSON2015-03-24, by Nathan Neulinger
- Add gcc49-lib-base2015-03-24, by Pascal Bellard
- Add: monkey-1.5.62015-03-24, by necrophcodr
- gcc49: do not hide gcc-lib-base2015-03-24, by Pascal Bellard
- gcc49: remove gfortran & objc2015-03-24, by Pascal Bellard
- Add gcc492015-03-24, by Pascal Bellard
- Up libcups cups-doc (2.0.2)2015-03-24, by Richard Dunbar
- cups-filters: add pkg files bdeps2015-03-23, by Richard Dunbar
- poppler-dev: add headers2015-03-23, by Richard Dunbar
- Add cups-filters2015-03-23, by Richard Dunbar
- Add qpdf2015-03-23, by Richard Dunbar
- Add ijs2015-03-23, by Richard Dunbar
- mc: update [b]deps, tazpanel: revert version (brocken packages css)2015-03-23, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up: mc (4.8.14)2015-03-23, by Xander Ziiryanoff
- Up busybox (1.23.2)2015-03-23, by Pascal Bellard
- pulseaudio: stop dbus boot msg error2015-03-23, by Richard Dunbar
- Add: get-sublime-text-3.2015-03-23, by Aleksej Bobylev
- slitaz-i18n: forgot about locale-ro existance.2015-03-23, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up: slitaz-boot-scripts (5.7)2015-03-23, by Aleksej Bobylev
- Up:tazpanel(1.8.3)2015-03-23, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: tazbug(1.2.1)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up:spk(1.4.3)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: slitaz-tools*(5.8.15)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: slitaz-doc(4.4.1)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: slitaz-dev-tools(2.2)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: slitaz-configs(5.5.7)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: slitaz-boot-scripts(5.6.7)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up: tazinst(3.97)2015-03-22, by Eric Joseph-Alexandre
- Up cups (2.0.2)2015-03-22, by Richard Dunbar
- Up: firefox-official (36.0.4): fix CVE-2015-0818; up: tzdata (2015b).2015-03-22, by Aleksej Bobylev
- marlin: fix tests-pathbar.vala2015-03-22, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: blender 2.73a2015-03-22, by Alexander Medvedev
- xmlto: update deps2015-03-21, by Yuri Pourre
- xmlto: update bdeps2015-03-21, by Yuri Pourre
- Add quilt2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard
- Add xmlto2015-03-21, by Yuri Pourre
- Add xdg-user-dirs2015-03-21, by Yuri Pourre
- syslinux/iso2exe: update partition table (again)2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux/iso2exe: update partition table2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard
- tilda: use static flex library (since flex 2.5.39)2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard
- syslinux/iso2exe: one boot checksum only2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard
- mate-control-center: update bdeps2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard
- Add mate-control-center (thanks bellard for the fixes)2015-03-21, by Yuri Pourre
- mate-settings-daemon-dev: fix lib path2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard
- mate-settings-daemon: fix /etc path2015-03-21, by Pascal Bellard