- Added jbigkit to tiff-dev dpends. Its needed everytime when compiling in tiff support into a program. It not needed on installed system.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed giflib-dev, jpeg-dev, libpng-dev, tiff-dev, and zlib-dev. I made there wanted package be depends also since you need the .so files to compile things also most of the time.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: couchdb to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: icu, icu-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: erlang to R14B.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: scanssh to 2.1.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Added libdnet. Need for new scanssh.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Added perl and m4 to autoconf depends.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: sqlobject to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: python-turbogears to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: python-cheetah to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: python-cheetah to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: python-cherrypy to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up unixODBC to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: transmission to 2.10.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: PyQt-x11-gpl to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: sip, sip-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up python-numpy (1.5.0)2010-10-09, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: perl-tk to 804.029. Added build depends for clean chroot. Added better short_desc.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- fix python path2010-10-09, by Pascal Bellard
- gcc+gcj: typo in python dir2010-10-09, by Pascal Bellard
- remove hard coded python2.52010-10-09, by Pascal Bellard
- Added jpegint.h into jpeg-dev package. XBMC needs it for example.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Added battery patch to lxpanel to fix 100% battery power bug.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- merge2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Added assaultcube. A realistic team oriented multiplayer FPS based on the cube engine.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Add ldapvi2010-10-09, by Pascal Bellard
- Up: python, python-dev to 2.7.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: perl, perl-core, microperl to 5.12.2. Added patch for microperl to compile. Also microperl is now compile in perl receipt.2010-10-09, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libpir, libpir-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: childsplay to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: chemtool to, by Christopher Rogers
- Added chrpath. Change or deleta the rpath or runpath in ELF files.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: foremost to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: fox to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: sox, sox-dev to 14.3.1. Added build depends since there was none before. There also going to be compile with them anyways.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Fixed lemon. Moved the compiling lemon into sqlite. This way lemon is more normal wanted package with only genpkg_rules.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Removed %U in mplayer.desktop. This fixes opening video files with spaces in name and path.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libburn, libburn-dev to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: sqlite, sqlite-dev, lemon to 3.7.3. Made so lemon compiles itself when genpkg only so the patch in compile_rules gets though. Otherwize it will be from sqlite directly without patch and bigger by 8kb or corrupted package with nothing in it since sqlite- will not exist in /lemon.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- lighttpd: fix 36897b07aa3c commit2010-10-08, by Pascal Bellard
- busybox-static: add conspy2010-10-08, by Pascal Bellard
- Added libxml2 to depends of libarchive.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: postgresql to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: php to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: mtools to, by Christopher Rogers
- Added lincity-ng. A City Simulation Game.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Forgot to add xorg-libXxf86vm-dev to mesa-dev depends.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Added mesa, libdrm-dev, xorg-dev-proto, and libxcb-dev to depends of mesa-dev. Fixes pkgconfig --cflags glw from not working in clean chroot.2010-10-08, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: libconfuse to 2.7.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: lvm2, libdevmapper, libdevmapper-dev, dmsetup to, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: conky to, by Christopher Rogers
- Added libxcb-dev to depends of xorg-libX11-dev. Need for pkg-config --cflags x11-xcb to work.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added cinepaint. For painting and retouching bitmap frames of films.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added libglu-mesa to fltk depends and build_depends.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added mesa to depends and mesa-dev to build_depends of fltk.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Up: fltk, fltk-dev, fltk-doc to 1.1.10. I removed one of the patches since its not need anymore. Added --enable-threads so cinepaint can build.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added openexr. Openexr library for EXR images.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added ilmbase. Ilmthread is a thread abstraction libary for use with OpenEXR.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added ftgl. OpenGL libarary to use arbitrary fonts.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers
- Added pwgen. A password generator.2010-10-07, by Christopher Rogers