wok-next log harfbuzz/receipt

age author description
2016-04-18 Xander Ziiryanoff harfbuzz: update bdeps to add hb-view binary
2015-09-14 Pascal Bellard Add harfbuzz-icu (depend on icu: 28.6M !)
2015-09-11 Alexander Medvedev Up: harfbuzz (1.0.3) + add ICU dep
2015-02-07 Alexander Medvedev Fix: harfbuzz
2015-02-07 Alexander Medvedev Up: harfbuzz 0.9.38
2014-07-24 Xander Ziiryanoff harfbuzz: remove icu dep to save core iso space, can be separated more
2014-03-26 Christophe Lincoln Add harfbuzz (OpenType text shaping engine)