wok-next log nbs/receipt

age author description
2019-01-27 Pascal Bellard Update some WEB_SITE
2018-11-09 Aleksej Bobylev Follow HTTP redirections for homepages
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-03-26 Pascal Bellard tazirc: update bdeps
2018-03-23 Aleksej Bobylev Synchronize wok-hg with wok. Some yesterday's patches are lost :(
2018-03-21 Aleksej Bobylev A lot of tiny edits; remove wget and pkg-build from $BUILD_DEPENDS and from *-dev packages $DEPENDS.
2018-03-06 Aleksej Bobylev Combine receipts
2013-12-12 Pascal Bellard git-gui, libsmpeg, lorcon, nbs, opentyrian: add (implicit) TARBALL
2013-11-30 Pascal Bellard Add some licenses
2011-05-08 Christopher Rogers Replaced all ../stuff with $stuff.
2011-02-13 Antoine Bodin imported patch get/nbs
2010-11-17 Christopher Rogers Removed tazpkg genpkg from alot of packages that don't need them since there just repackaging them 2nd time.
2010-05-13 Pascal Bellard linld, linmodem-slmodem, mountlo, nbs, nvidia: cache extra wget'd files in SOURCES_REPOSITORY
2010-02-24 Rohit Joshi add/improve TAGS n* receipts
2008-10-12 Pascal Bellard db nbs: abort on wget failure
2008-08-03 Pascal Bellard Add nbs