wok-next log glib/stuff/patches/series

age author description
2018-12-13 Aleksej Bobylev Update atkmm, cairo, cmake, db, elfutils, emacs, glib, glib-networking, glibmm, gobject-introspection, libsigc++, meson, openssl, zstd
2018-05-29 Aleksej Bobylev glib: up (2.56.1) with static libs and Python2
2018-05-24 Aleksej Bobylev Up: babl (0.1.50), gegl (0.4.2), gimp (2.10.2), glib (2.54.3), iso-codes (3.79), lensfun (0.3.2); add: gexiv2, libde265, libheif, libmypaint, mypaint-brushes.