wok-next log xorg-cf-files/receipt
age | author | description |
2017-07-14 | Aleksej Bobylev | Update full xorg-* stack (add / upgrade / remove no more compiled packages with this xorg-server), normalize receipts to v2. |
2017-06-23 | Aleksej Bobylev | Up giflib, imlib2, libsndfile, xorg-cf-files; switch icewm and magicpoint from imlib to imlib2; remove imlib - no one need it anymore. |
2013-11-30 | Pascal Bellard | xorg-cf-files: typo |
2013-11-30 | Pascal Bellard | Remove cromfs-or-squashfs; add some licenses |
2010-10-31 | Antoine Bodin | Big update: xorg/libdrm/mesa (174 packages) |
2009-05-21 | Matthew Sheets | Add: xorg-cf-files |