wok-next log scrot/receipt

age author description
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-08-30 Aleksej Bobylev Random updates
2018-05-10 Aleksej Bobylev Unification of the patch system
2018-02-28 Aleksej Bobylev libxcb is obsolete -> xorg-libxcb
2016-07-06 Pascal Bellard sane-backends, scons, scrot, shell-fm, smake, soundtouch, wireless_tools: fix man or doc path
2013-12-03 Pascal Bellard Add some licenses
2012-11-07 Aleksej Bobylev scrot: up 0.8-12 (with patches)
2009-06-23 Liu Peng Add scrot