wok-next log feh/receipt

age author description
2020-06-26 Hans-G?nter Theisgen updated feh (2.10 -> 3.4.1)
2018-12-22 Aleksej Bobylev Update png and Xorg in dependencies.
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-08-30 Aleksej Bobylev Random updates
2018-08-24 Aleksej Bobylev Update xorg
2018-03-02 Aleksej Bobylev Unlock x86_64 architecture
2018-02-28 Aleksej Bobylev Choose between libpng16 and libpng12
2017-10-29 Pascal Bellard feh: update bdeps
2014-04-18 Christophe Lincoln Add tabbed + st from suckless and improve volumeicon integration
2014-04-13 Christophe Lincoln ARM add feh
2014-04-06 Alexander Medvedev Up: feh (2.10)
2013-12-03 Pascal Bellard Add some licenses
2011-05-25 Christophe Lincoln feh: fix bdeps
2011-05-20 Christopher Rogers Up: feh to 1.14.1.
2011-01-22 Christopher Rogers Up: feh to 1.11.
2010-12-06 Christopher Rogers Up: feh to 1.10.1.
2010-10-01 Christopher Rogers Up: feh to 1.9.
2010-02-16 Rohit Joshi add/improve TAGS f* receipts
2009-03-15 Pascal Bellard f*: update depends
2008-09-23 Mallory MOLLO feh : fix depends
2008-08-01 Mallory MOLLO Update receipts for giblib and feh
2008-07-24 Mallory MOLLO Receipt for feh - Image viewer and composer