wok-next log wmctrl/receipt

age author description
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-03-22 Aleksej Bobylev Add liblinear, up nmap, py3k -> python3
2017-10-07 Xander Ziiryanoff djvulibre, mupdf(up to 1.11), waterline, wmctrl : update bdeps
2016-04-18 Xander Ziiryanoff Up wmctrl (c5c5eb8)
2015-05-22 Yuri Pourre Add wmctrl
2015-01-08 Aleksej Bobylev Normalize tags "file-manager", "web-browser", "text-editor", "terminal", and "window-manager" according to tazx.
2013-08-10 Pascal Bellard Add some GPL2 licenses
2010-02-24 Rohit Joshi add/improve TAGS w* receipts
2009-05-01 Pascal Bellard Update depends (u-z)
2009-04-24 Rohit Joshi Add: wmctrl, xdotool