wok-next log marco/receipt

age author description
2018-06-01 Aleksej Bobylev pcre package was split into separate libs. Update the dependencies of the packages that previously depended on pcre.
2018-03-30 Aleksej Bobylev Clean default configure options when site script used.
2018-03-12 Aleksej Bobylev Packing...
2018-03-12 Pascal Bellard gtkballs: force localstatedir
2018-03-12 Aleksej Bobylev Proper packing for v2
2017-10-28 Aleksej Bobylev Move existing MATE receipts to mate116/stuff (for those who need to update them to v.1.16 w/GTK+2). Update/add whole MATE desktop to current stable v.1.18.
2015-12-25 Aleksej Bobylev Finish to remove redundant messages 'Processing * commands...'; KISS get-msttcorefonts; add get-msttcorefonts2
2015-12-20 Pascal Bellard Quote root dir in post_install
2015-08-08 Xander Ziiryanoff caja marco mate-menus: add missing files.
2015-06-11 Yuri Pourre marco, mate-desktop: update deps
2015-06-11 Yuri Pourre marco: update deps (again)
2015-06-11 Yuri Pourre marco: update deps
2015-05-22 Yuri Pourre Up marco: copy glib schemas
2015-05-22 Yuri Pourre marco: compile glib schemas
2015-03-20 Yuri Pourre Add marco