age |
author |
description |
2018-06-01 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
pcre package was split into separate libs. Update the dependencies of the packages that previously depended on pcre. |
2018-05-03 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Up raptor (2.0.15), ruby (2.5.0), scons(3.0.0), screen (4.6.2), sharutils (4.15.2), slang (2.3.1), swig (3.0.12), sysstat (11.6.2), talloc (2.1.11), tcl (8.6.8), tidy-html5 (5.4.0), tk (8.6.8), udisks (1.0.5), unixODBC (2.3.5), unrar (5.5.8), upower (0.99.7), usbids (20180414), usbutils (009), vala (0.38.8), valgrind (3.13.0), wayland-protocols (1.13), yajl (2.1.0); add librep, rasqal, redland, rep-gtk. |