wok-next log qlipper/receipt

age author description
2018-03-16 Aleksej Bobylev Swap: current mesa (which is developing and change it's version) is just mesa, while old mesa is mesa12 now (will be removed if no one old package require it).
2017-10-22 Aleksej Bobylev Add libxkbcommon-wayland, screengrab, wayland-protocols; up compton, dbus, libdbusmenu-qt, libstatgrab, libxkbcommon, lm-sensors, lxterminal, menu-cache, qjson, qlipper, qps, upower, xdg-user-dirs.
2017-10-21 Pascal Bellard gnet, gnome-desktop, gtk-screenshot, gtkglext, lightdm-gtk2-greeter, lightdm-gtk3-greeter, notecase, orage, python-pyexiv2, qlipper, qtpanel: update bdeps; rawstudio, realvnc-viewer: add CXXFLAGS; puzzles: tiny patch
2014-09-06 Xander Ziiryanoff Add djview ; Add qlipper