wok-next log xarchiver/receipt

age author description
2019-01-18 Aleksej Bobylev Update xarchiver (, xcursorgen (1.0.7)
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-10-16 Aleksej Bobylev Some maintenance
2018-08-07 Aleksej Bobylev Update packages from ISO and LFS backages (all but toolchain)
2018-04-19 Aleksej Bobylev More fix libtool.
2017-10-12 Aleksej Bobylev Fix libzip, xarchiver.
2017-10-11 Aleksej Bobylev Up: gpicview, harfbuzz, libfm-extra, libfm, libwmf, libxklavier, libxml++, libzip, lxappearance, lxlauncher, lxrandr, lxtask, pcmanfm, xarchiver; add: lxhotkey, webkit2gtk, webkitgtk.
2015-10-07 Aleksej Bobylev easytag, xarchiver: fix warnings during update .desktop system database
2015-03-03 Pascal Bellard Up xarchiver (0.5.4)
2014-06-21 Aleksej Bobylev xarchiver: add backends setting page (accessed via menu -> Help -> Contents (F1))
2014-06-20 Aleksej Bobylev Up: xarchiver (0.5.3) and patch it to use icons instead of pixmaps.
2013-11-30 Pascal Bellard Remove cromfs-or-squashfs; add some licenses
2010-03-26 Eric Joseph-Alexandre xarchiver: Fix DEPENDS (#278)
2010-02-04 Eric Joseph-Alexandre xarchiver: fix path.
2010-01-04 Eric Joseph-Alexandre xarchiver: fix path + remove SVG icons.
2009-09-24 Pascal Bellard Xarchiver: fix FSH
2009-09-21 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Add: xarchiver
2008-03-18 Christophe Lincoln Add: tar, xarchiver, listpatron and fix deps for obconf (tar)