age |
author |
description |
2018-08-07 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Update packages from ISO and LFS backages (all but toolchain) |
2018-04-17 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
harfbuzz: fix $DEPENDS |
2018-04-02 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Up cairo (1.14.12), cookutils (1044), freetype (deps), harfbuzz (deps), jsoncpp (1.8.4), libdrm (2.4.89), librsvg (2.42.2), mesa (17.3.4), pango (1.40.14). |
2018-03-31 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Up freetype (2.9), harfbuzz (1.7.5) |
2018-03-31 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
harfbuzz: remove *.la from harfbuzz-icu-dev |
2018-03-21 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
A lot of tiny edits; remove wget and pkg-build from $BUILD_DEPENDS and from *-dev packages $DEPENDS. |
2018-02-24 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
The rest of my "home work" for update many packages (up to Xorg, GTK and Openbox) for Next and mainly for Next64. Since this point this repository is open for commits. Many errors are expected due to harfbuzz-freetype dependency loop... |
2017-10-11 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Up: gpicview, harfbuzz, libfm-extra, libfm, libwmf, libxklavier, libxml++, libzip, lxappearance, lxlauncher, lxrandr, lxtask, pcmanfm, xarchiver; add: lxhotkey, webkit2gtk, webkitgtk. |
2017-06-26 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Remove harfbuzz-icu package. Rework harfbuzz receipt: introduce libharfbuzz, libharfbuzz-icu, harfbuzz-icu-dev. Need to review all the packages that depends on harfbuzz and build-depends on harfbuzz-dev. |
2017-06-25 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Add ttf-carlito, ttf-dejavu-lgc; up atk, c-ares, cacerts, cantarell-fonts, clucene, cookutils, fontconfig, freetype, gnutls, harfbuzz, harfbuzz-icu, hicolor-icon-theme, libunistring, pango, poppler, poppler-data, poppler-qt4, shared-mime-info, ttf-dejavu. |
2017-06-08 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Up gvfs, cookutils, harfbuzz, libxml2. |
2017-02-23 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Forgotten changes: libdrm-*, dbus, fontconfig, harfbuzz, libdrm, pixman, xorg-glproto. |
2016-11-28 |
Xander Ziiryanoff |
harfbuzz: mv /usr/bin to harfbuzz-apps |
2016-07-10 |
Aleksej Bobylev |
Up: harfbuzz(1.2.7), truetype(2.6.4) |
2016-04-30 |
Pascal Bellard |
cross/arm: fix build for ell busybox flex ninvaders |
2016-04-18 |
Xander Ziiryanoff |
harfbuzz: update bdeps to add hb-view binary |
2015-09-14 |
Pascal Bellard |
Add harfbuzz-icu (depend on icu: 28.6M !) |
2015-09-11 |
Alexander Medvedev |
Up: harfbuzz (1.0.3) + add ICU dep |
2015-02-07 |
Alexander Medvedev |
Fix: harfbuzz |
2015-02-07 |
Alexander Medvedev |
Up: harfbuzz 0.9.38 |
2014-07-24 |
Xander Ziiryanoff |
harfbuzz: remove icu dep to save core iso space, can be separated more |
2014-03-26 |
Christophe Lincoln |
Add harfbuzz (OpenType text shaping engine) |