wok-next log mtpfs/receipt

age author description
2017-11-07 Pascal Bellard update some bdeps
2017-06-16 Aleksej Bobylev Deprecate libgio, use glib instead.
2014-08-15 Aleksej Bobylev libmtp: drop Zune support; mtpfs, usbids: tiny edits
2013-08-10 Pascal Bellard Add GPL3 licenses
2012-10-07 Eric Joseph-Alexandre Up: mtps (1.0)
2012-04-29 Pascal Bellard Up mtpfs (1.1)
2011-05-26 Pascal Bellard mtpfs: update bdeps (again)
2011-05-26 Pascal Bellard mtpfs: update bdeps
2009-05-09 Pascal Bellard eet esmart estickies etk evas exhibit gnomad2 libmpeg2 mtpfs vlc: update depends
2009-05-04 Theophile Rascagneres Add mtpfs (FUSE filesystem that supports reading and writing from any MTP device)