wok-next log perl-text-iconv/receipt

age author description
2018-12-11 Aleksej Bobylev Rebuild Perl modules
2018-11-02 Aleksej Bobylev Cleaning is almost finished... I should proceed to upgrades.
2018-07-12 Aleksej Bobylev Check Repology info from m* to python-babel
2017-06-14 Aleksej Bobylev Update Perl XS modules that need perl-dev to build (unlike Pure Perl), rebuild all module packages as Perl version change.
2017-05-11 Aleksej Bobylev Up at-spi2-atk, libpcap, nettle, readline, tiff, xcb-util* and 220 Perl packages (there are still about 20 left)
2013-06-07 Pascal Bellard perl, rrdtool: add LICENSE
2010-08-08 Pascal Bellard Add perl-text-iconv